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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. It don't look like it in the pic but its a lot smaller lighter and a lot less bulkier
  2. My little nephews got his hopes up on having a catapult like his big cousin lol so knocked him this up in half hour, just need this elastic to turn up and where away'
  3. That's what happens when the ban things they get out of control, hence why theres tb every where costing the tax payer millions every year..
  4. Plenty out there bred from from workers!
  5. Absulute shit tried it dogs looked like shit and ran like shit, had 3 bags sitting in my shed gave them to a mate to feed his terriers, you get out what you put in. imo.
  6. My bad lol, I run two little bushers mate Beagle and Beagle x Will try get a pic up for you when I get a min.
  7. Very nice pal here's one I did otherday for my lad, my mates got some lovely oak for me to make another for myself will get some pics up when finished.
  8. Bazil brush


    Benji not many of them do pal, I know a few lads with them and mines the only one that will but he waits to be told to as mad as it sounds he will mark first.
  9. Bazil brush


    If you dont want them dropping why not get a beagle x terrier instead. Less chance of going to ground.
  10. Good on you mate most probably just hopped the fence hope the poor c**t gets back to her pups
  11. Good on him, i have a five year old daughter and i'd do the same in his situatiin with iut any doubt. if it happened in are fuked up shitty country he'd be put in a cell and treated like a crimanal. How fuked up is are goverment hey
  12. Facebooks the worst some of the pricks on there are retarded as fuk.
  13. Like this one took my mates dogs, but with no evidence gave them back, i'll never take pics or vids ever again in my life. Anyway i only hunt rabbits these days! http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/30-dogs-seized-man-arrested-5759873
  14. I want to make them from scratch mate so need poaches
  15. Wheres best get leather poached from any help greatfully appreciated.
  16. Wheres best get leather poached from
  17. Cheers mate, Will get a pic up when i make myself one.
  18. Cheers lads, bpr I like working with wood mate. Will make myself one and maybe knock a spare up but that will do urs for mooching about. Would you soak it in linsead oil or just paint it on mate? Pip i'll bring him out with urs just make sure you keep your head away from the bb's might mistake your head for one lol.
  19. Cheers ych, I tried to rush the super glue tbh mate I should of took my time instead of trying to put a hole bottle in five mins lol Cheers wilt you c**t haha
  20. Fuk it here it is... Back Front Wanted his name on it lol
  21. Cheers mate I'll get some pics up tomoz just covered it in super glue, thought I'd be clever not using gloves my fingers are covered in it haha
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