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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. My mates first x beagle Russell pups (all gone) sires a well bred bull Russell digging dog and dams a beagle bitch from Ireland real good bitch in cover with a real good younger.
  2. Cracking little teams lads soon as this rain decides to drop i'll pop out take a pic of my little bush busters.
  3. sticking strawbery laces up your nose and makung the other end come out your mouth, the kids love it, dads a magician lol but a carnt stop fuking sneezing haha

    1. paulus


      i normally do the baboon at the same time lol

    2. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Hot meat, its magic mate I carnt tell you lol

    3. Hot Meat
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  4. Thats nature unfortuantly pal ! No reason not to like them there not very common here ! Infact its the first one I have ever seen.
  5. On the way to my mates and this female sparrow hawk nailed a pigeon right on the road in front of me.

    © Bazil

  6. Well I'm fuked got 3 girls 2, ,5 and 6 and they are hard work now 6yr old dont stop talking from the minute she wakes till she goe's to bed haha
  7. Cheers Tom thanks for the poaches mate realy apreciated.
  8. boring shit hole, role on 6 days ye ha

    1. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      You warming up for my arival lol

    2. PIL


      C'mon pip nail his arse . Haha lol

    3. Bazil brush
    4. Show next comments  81 more
  9. Right then lads bit quiet in here at the minute so let's see your teams for this season, the seasons just starting and it Will all be at full swing in the next few weeks so let's get them up. Alb for the season lads
  10. They'll be mean bushers them, i'd of had one if the yorkie was the dam but my sister lost her leg so won't have time to take one on!
  11. Bit of a Hypercrit aswell ! Many talents
  12. Listen to yourself pmsl trust you to have some similar shite on the floor lol no wonder your so defencive lol.
  13. Bang on ideation..non of these expert dog men saying they'll make good mooching bushing dogs will buy one ! I'll stick to my purpose bred Beagle x terrier thank you ! Them pups are bred buy a chancer fact! Redkneck stop with excuses put your money where your mouth is and get one pal, I bet you won't lol
  14. How many of you russel x lurcher lovers have bought one then? Ffs i have culled better and gave better away for free! 150 to some peddling bitch fuk that. Good dog men gift pups not sell them imo, money whats ruining are game! To many people breeding any old shite to any old shite to make a quick buck!
  15. Good day had pal, nothing beats a good chat with the old boys I have alot of respect for them and always have time to hear there storys no matter how long lol.
  16. That little russels a cracking worker mate.
  17. Thanks to pip1968 for the advice over the phone to get this catty right and a big thanks to atomlab for his generosity sending my some leather poaches free of charge top bloke... Shoots beautifully and the little fellas buzzing been shooting cans in the garden for hours lol.
  18. Nothing worse than going to a job you hate! good on him
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