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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. I used to stitch till I used a stapler, will never be with out one now, quicker and easier so you put the dog through less stress messing about with stitches plus there stronger than stitches.
  2. Heard only good about these boots (altberg) Will be my next purchase. Got to last longer than my shit diotto boots that didnt even last a season of light use.
  3. He better than the beagle Russell dog fox pack?
  4. Carnt see many beagle pack breeding this time of year myself
  5. channel 5* now when worlds scariest animal attacks. i love it when people fuk with wild animals and get burned funny as fuk

    1. Walesy


      Usually animal huggers who are "so in tune with nature"

    2. Walesy


      Usually animal huggers who are "so in tune with nature"

    3. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Yer mate poking crocs with sticks and slapping anacondas in the heads to torment them, realy in tune lol

  6. channel 5* now worlds scarriest animal attacks, i loe

  7. Didn't know cockers came completely smooth , have you shaved him?
  8. This is liver and tan to me mate, it's only an example. Your is black or maybe a copper cast and tan, livers usually have a liver ie chocolate nose as well. Nice dog anyway pal
  9. The Beagle russel is a belting dog just my type !
  10. Top dog? Not the second pic mate got some ears on him for a lakey pat
  11. Not a big fan of black n tan dogs mate but that ones not to bad looking, how's he bred
  12. Nope no need for passport just put dog in the back of your van or whatever and over you go, they do have crates where you park but we just leave the window open slighly.
  13. Well done pal, that's what its about getting out and having a go.
  14. Good luck pal i searched high and low for mine, proper ones are like rocking horse shit to find.
  15. Thanks fireman, would like to get into birds myself one day, i have great interest but lack knowlage, maybe one day when I get time, used to keep racing pigeons as a kid for my grandad so I got a thing for birds back then.
  16. Some fella in a burger van hangs them up in a nature reserve behind his van, i just like to sit and watch while the kids feed the ducks, might tell him next time im there pal, is it normal to get so close to greenfinch about 6 foot away but sitting in the car, it didnt look that healthy tbh?
  17. Not in a cage but these two where enjoying them selves. I was watching them yesterday and there was a massive rat on this feeder. Anyone tell what the green one is please
  18. That's basically what I got and he's an aswome little dog, knows his job and doe's it well, Either on his own or in a pack never fails to find.
  19. The only thing that puts me of spaniels is there quiet, i like a dog to give tounge.
  20. Why? coz he's put some links up, it aint against the law, fuk the scummy c**ts..
  21. Cheers lads there some cracking pups got real strong heads on them, he sold one pip wants to keep the rest, I'm tempted but have two, one being 7 months thats a pain in the arse lol.
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