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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. Lol hm I bought them of here and have only used them 3 times they like brand new mate. If I get 100 back for them will be happy bit of a loss but no point them sitting around doing nothing, will throw in the bag if picked up.
  2. Right lads I'm open to offers 75 nets all mint condition, thick strong nets. Veriouse colours orange red blue, pic up cheshire or will post at buyers cost.
  3. If your having 2 your mates having 2 and johnygray having 1 that leaves five left? Anyway wish you alb rehoming them we all learn from are mistakes. Would help if you put some pics up
  4. Sense of humours are as hard to find as a good lurcher on this site haha
  5. this sites full of strange folk this has got to be one of use!!!! For a minute I thought it was wilt but was abit to slender so it's got to be someone else, so come on who is it? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p71Lg5c83bc
  6. Easy I wanted my bitch to have 4 and she had 4.. I did not have to struggle for homes coz they had them buy time they where born !
  7. Supply and dammand, what the point in breeding a big litter if no one wants them !
  8. Is this a open forum where everyone one is entitled to an opinion? Yes it is if you don't want critism don't put threads up simple! If you don't like what I say johny don't read it simple
  9. Serves you right keeping such a big litter on your bitch no respect for her, as for getting stuck with pups And haveing to deal with messers well i have No sympathy for you.
  10. Never mind there's plenty there for the local kennels to rehome.
  11. Good on them certainly a different way of life, carnt be easy.
  12. What the fuks going on with that bulls pointy ears deffo bit of English bull in that.
  13. I'm not a bad fox caller ifi do say so myself haha

    1. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      This song is dedicated to myself

    2. Macky


      had a night out with you recently and you and u know what ur doing when it comes to calling foxes and people on this site should get in contact with u for a night out it would be an experience they will never forget looking forward to another night out

    3. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Cheers Macky means a lot coming from you mate, I'll show you how to call the three legged ones in they pretty rare like but it can be done lol

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  14. Nice mate hope you have many good seasons ahead with her.
  15. Had a bitch like that once, she no longer here.
  16. Hope the anti c**ts are happy with them selves, my mate lives just buy there, real nice place.
  17. With no thanks to the anti's getting slaughtered buy rifles bans done more harm to fox's shows how thick the bunny hugging anti's heads are
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