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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. Anyone kind anoth to put a link up for fieldsportsuk for me. Cheers, carnt seem to find them.
  2. You got to ask yourself why did the dog jack, see alot of Dickheads over matching pups etc, fuking them up and blaming the dog not themselves. A lot keep dogs but not many are cut out to be dog men!!!
  3. http://kfor.com/2014/03/11/toddler-argues-with-mother-over-cupcakes-listen-listen-listen-linda/
  4. Why don't they just keep there noses out of the countryside where its not wanted! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2571214/Shoo-shoot-jail-warning-farmers-hit-crows-new-plans-labelled-ludicrous-countryside-groups.html
  5. An epidemic that has been going on since man existed, thousands of years man has hunted been banned for almost 9 yrs says it all really.
  6. Fuk that i couldn't be arsed with that, drive me nuts!
  7. The bottom pic in the truck the choc dog looks undershot, Is it? Still some cracking dogs fella.
  8. They wreckon he was frightened it would happen to him, but I think he was frightened he would do it to someone again imo.
  9. Where's busher when you need him he knows all about these minshaws he seen them all run hundreds of times.
  10. outlaw pete you the man! keep banning the mrssers and force them into the real world haha

    1. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Please please please ban pip1968 next

    2. pip1968


      petes a very good mate of mine lol


  11. I'm a fan! Everyone's entitled to there own opinion good on him.
  12. I enjoyed it aswell nice to see a documentry on one of are old time boxers and learn abit about them.
  13. Bit to young to have an opinion on the man, so what did you think of it?
  14. I do mine after every time i use them!
  15. Cracking pups them alb finding good homes for them.
  16. Been there got the t-shirt yes there good but they'll never beat a good lurcher!
  17. Every mungrel is a pitbull these days,
  18. theres some right dirty tramps in the lurcher game, dont deserve dogs!

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