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bully boy

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About bully boy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 30/07/1984

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  1. how much mate, would you post?
  2. best of luck with getting back on track mate :friends:
  3. This is my dog mate Was you interested in the dog or pup?
  4. I cant get the old pictures up mate but if you click on my profile you will see my other posts on her
  5. this is a picture of my bull x bitch at 6 weeks, she is 12 months now. looks identical
  6. check the teeth and the jaw to make sure they aren't over/under shot and i like to look for good width in the jaw and check this by turning the pup over
  7. is this the same one you've tried to sell a few times?
  8. you could try dubbling the dog up with a more expeiranced dog and this would also give the dog more confidence and prevent the dog getting smashed up first time.
  9. cheers bud will carry on trying to night
  10. hi, My bull grey pup is now 7 months and is coming on great! she is running great on the lamp and has started catching. have spent lots of time with her but still cant get her to come that last meter and retrive to hand. she will do it with anything i ask of her and anything i throw she will bring straight back! i have tried walking off and this does work but takes lots of time and doesn't seem to take me any closer to getting her back to hand. does any body have any tips that can nip this in the but or am i trying to hard to early? Thanks bullyboy
  11. like the pic of the pup, looks exactly wat ive been looking for!!!! ha any more around??
  12. billy looks like he's got some bull in him?? great looking dogs!!
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