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About B.L.B

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. B.L.B


    great looking dogs mate.
  2. Thanks alot for all the replies, great feedback, just what i was after. Cheers.
  3. I know alot of you guys only run one dog at a time, but over here in Aus its not uncommon fo for guys to run 3 or 4. i have only ever had one male dog at a time and i was just wondering if anyone has had problems with running 2 males at the same time, whether they are more likely to fight over the kill etc.? i know alot of it would come down to them knowing who top dog is but would this always be getting challenged if the bottom (and smaller) of the two dogs is the better hunter and makes the catch first most of the time? Any sensible feed back would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Ive got goosebumps looking at those coyote pics, hope i get the chance to try that one day. ROCKS do you mainly hunt Coyote? How any dogs do run on them? Do you get foxes where you are?
  5. I don't know any one that uses pure wolfhounds but alot of guys here in Aus use cross breeds, Some of the fox and roo guys cross breed to try and get a large dog with a strong wolfhound head but lighter more Deerhound or staghound type body and maybe a bit more nose the straight DHXGH. And the pig hunters cross them with just about anything and love them for their drive and skills as a hunter. However i don't think you would find many pure ones that would have what it takes any more as you say the show breeders have squized all of the drive out.
  6. Hi all, my dads gwpxstaghound is having a phantom pregnancy, she won't come out of her kennel and is treating an old shoe like its a pup. We haven't had a dog do this before and i was wondering what to do. Should i take the shoe of her or not? She has been like this for about three days now. Any helpfull advice would be great. Thanks.
  7. Thanks alot for all the replies, Just the kind of comments i was hoping to hear.
  8. Just interested in where people keep there dogs and if they think it has any effects on their attitude and how they hunt. For example alot of guys here keep there dogs kenneled or chained up most of the time and just let them out when their going for a hunt or to exercise.(some guys rarely exercise their dogs). Whereas i keep my dogs in seperate kennels at night and when im not home, and let them out to exercise in a run approx. 50 metres by 10 when i am (3 dogs are in the run together and so they chase and play fight) and will still take them for a couple of mile run when i can. Obviously t
  9. Is the bloke you know from S.A ? Because I know there was a bloke breeding them over there. The fella i know is just out of Bendigo in Vic and has only got one male Crossbred at the moment. He's trying to mate it with a pure greyhound but the greyhound won't come on heat so i dunno if its going to happen. Are you only interested in the straight cross? Because he did put him over a small StaghoundxGreyhound bitch about 11 months ago which produced some beautifull dogs. What area are you from allgame?
  10. I don't know about the pure breds, but i know a couple of ibizanxgreyhound's that are excellent fox dogs, although the guy that bred them told my mate that some won't kill a fox by them selves, they don't let it get away they just hold it until another dog gets there. Extremly fast and agile, and very smart runners.
  11. Hey Staghound did you breed the salukixgreyhound? how was/is it on the foxes? There's hardly any of them over here i've only seen one, it looked like a very fast dog. I just wish i new a bit more about them back then because i would have bought it. Did you sell all the pups? Got any pics???
  12. Holy grail, How old is he mate? No its not wrong to take him out on his own, most Deerhounds have a amazing hate for foxes from a very young age so they don't usally need much incouraging, but it dosen't hurt to take them out with another dog a couple of times first so they can see exactly what to do. I know your probally eager to get him out there and catching some foxes but before you go showing him to much about chasing and killing things make sure he's completly stock proof, im sure you've done that already with sheep and cattle etc but make sure you do it with horses as well because they
  13. Hey holy grail, if you don't mind me asking where did you get him from? We hunt with both, you'll probally notice a difference in attitude, the pure Deerhounds are not as highly strung and restless as alot of stags their pretty cruisy, love lounging around and like to do things their way and in their own time, which sometimes can take a bit of getting used to. I've also found that they have a different running style, alot of the stags i've seen work are really quick and run more like a greyhound and run flat out from word go where as the Deerhounds wind up alot more and only run as fast as th
  14. Hey poacher, this might be a stupid question but is that your white dog in your profile thingy? if so, what was it like?
  15. B.L.B

    ex track bitch

    A mate of mine has an ex track dog, the previous owner got rid of it because she didn't like its attitude. I don't know what the hell she meant but he says its the best fox dog he's ever owned and it as hard as nails. I was actually thinking of getting one my self so it would be great if you let us know how she goes mate.
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