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Everything posted by keepdiggin

  1. What time is it over there
  2. Some good work that mate and a cracking pair of tits on you as well lol
  3. Dont you find it strange and a little bit scary that one black bloke is murdered by a policeman in America and the media and the left wing go crazy here in Britain. Yet thousands of young white British underage girls are raped abused and murdered in Britain by muslim grooming gangs and not a word apart from one Labour MP who said the raped girls should keep quite about it to promote diversity. In fact its been proven that it was covered up. So before you show your disgust for crimes committed abroad think about your own people first. what someone wrote as a status on facebook
  4. Sad c**ts on Facebook putting the profile picture to a black screen
  5. Correct them by saying all lives matter that really winds them up ??
  6. I don't know how people are importing them with cropped ears tbh they look like pit bulls. Police round my way turn a blind eye to pit bull types can walk past them with a rednose pit and they wi l look away
  7. Best dog I've owned was an American bulldog
  8. keepdiggin


    You not tempted for another lurcher?
  9. I thought it was stewie
  10. Was looking at the xl American bully but the prices are stupid
  11. Great whites are spotted in Cornwall
  12. When we expecting to be back on proper lockdown excise once a day and don't leave the house?
  13. Wait till his chickens start going missing
  14. Sounds personal to me
  15. I've not mate I got layed off during this pandemic so it's helped me out a lot
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