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Everything posted by jwhizz420

  1. Steroids and growth hormones, you seen some of those greyhounds down the track, them dogs must be on gear lol. I was doing some reading and was finding all this man made gear and supplement just ruin the dog in the long term, organ damage and stuff
  2. Does anyone feed 100% raw Are carbs needed? There's a lot of old post been reading Just answer If on raw with carbs / yes If on raw with no carbs / no
  3. The tracer filter just wank , the noise it makes taking on and off , may aswell bang a drum lol
  4. Anyone got any ideas on how to convert the snap on filters, ie so they come on and off quick and quietly cheers
  5. Been few days rested now, all rawness cleared up , he's up on his feet now, amazed at the speed there healing, just leaded walks on the grass for the next week, and keep using this tough foot. Hoping we be good to go at the end of month?
  6. This morning was on up on feet wanted brekfest,checked his feet difference in 24 hours amazing, couldn't walk last night so over the moon , recon this tuff foot is working and healing
  7. Thanks for replies, guess just rest up till feet are better, lucky that it's just skin , wind up cause was just getting him fit ,let's hope the tuff foot works
  8. I've just been given a bottle of that stuff, smells a bit toxic, is ok to put on open wounds, he was wincing off the salt water
  9. Out and about with dog and game got up me dog chased him straight down the Tarmac, feet and stoppers wreked, looks better today after clean with salt water . Top layer of skin gone on feet and both stoppers red raw. Any advice on healing, products, how long to rest Cheers
  10. 1/4, but I don't give everyday, sometimes there no bread in the house lol. I get my meet from Daf online, good selection, give him something different everyday, cost me £12 a month,
  11. Tin toms ? Everyone's doing , what's the crack with them
  12. Mix it up so your not missing anything, meat, mince , bones, tripe and offall, left overs dinner veg, sardines, brown bread,what ever they catch, cheap and easy
  13. Crazy the change in him just a few weeks
  14. ‘Squatters’ is the name given by night time hunters to the rabbits which choose to squat down when the beam of the hunters lamp illuminates them. They don't do this because the lamp is blinding them; it is a natural freeze response. The rabbits natural instincts tell it to stay still to avoid detection. In many cases it works and the rabbit is overlooked. During the night when illuminated with a lamp the rabbits eyes glow red in the beam which gives them away. Many novice and unskilled lampers make the big mistake of walking their dogs as close up to the squatting rabbit as they can. When they
  15. Started me pup on the 14 month dog pup on lamp, why doesn't see the squatters till they bolt ? He's missed a few easy catches aswell, he won't run till they run
  16. Catching rabbits, squirrels and a pheasant at weekend 14 months 25,5 tts
  17. On about wanting to muscle the dog up, that only really comes with age
  18. Couple locals like stone, then 5 mile away along the river lovely and soft,
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