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Joshua Wheeler

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About Joshua Wheeler

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Do us a favor and delete me admin. Dont want to be associated with this outfit
  2. No wonder the dog world feeked with folk like you.rather a lad in nike air trainers and bull x than have oat to do with keyboard warriors and grasssssss.even to just threaten shows the level. Lower than a snakes armpit
  3. The grassing life Hahahaha bunch of muppets Jelous keyboard hunters.jelous so you threaten to grass him up on a crime that you fabricated in your head
  4. My mind made up .i ve read it all black and white.the mod / admin want banning and reporting
  5. Reading and observing this post and being a unenvoled 3rd party.seems to me that the picture that was reported and some of the commants is just pure jealously.there is no proof that the hare was shot or wasnt shot.or that ferrets were used.absolute joke on hunting forum.and to make threats of reporting to rspca.jelous bullies who should be ashamed of your selves Just my thoughts.tight leads
  6. Red the rest is wank.orange is just brighter red.blue is pants and green dont even work
  7. Shot and retrived whats the problem??????
  8. My dog whippet 2. Just starting to settle down.makes it worth while when it starts to come together.some are just natruals and others you got too put in the hard work.researched this before and rember folk saying some of there best dogs were the slowest starter.and some of the old coarsing greats were passed around until tje right trainer got there hands on them
  9. I got the gamekeeper 120.so far so good. Got a lithium and tracer 170 but take the gamekeeper out
  10. Jumpings a good test to see if hes lame.they can walk and will still chase.but a big jump mine wont do if lame
  11. Cheers for that. I give it a miss.as for filter the one on the old flip one ont cluelite is ingenous, cant you pirate filter.i rate filters but just hassel
  12. Is the red and white same as the 150 but with red and white?????
  13. Its not poker.you dont have to hide your cardss share your wisdom
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