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Everything posted by mollski

  1. A good mate of mine said the next time he goes shooting,he will bring me a rabbit to throw in with my ferrets,has he shoots shotgun,will I have to dig all the shot out of the rabbit before I give it to the ferrets?
  2. how many times a year do jills give birth to kits please,is it just may?
  3. how many dolla please? hi bud how much would you like for it please?
  4. looking for some more nice kits please,nobody seems to have any for sale were I live,anybody help thanks?
  5. hOPE he gets better keep us posted please
  6. WANTED please west midlands area kitt silver or light colour please thanks
  7. me two new ferrets 7 weeks old now,i handle them every day the odd nip but not hard yet,i bought them for my 6yr old boy for pets,i would like to work them,but if I lost them while working them my lad would be heartbroken,im thinking of getting another so I can take that one working,would it be ok to put another ferret in with them now? would they start to fight? aand whats the best to put in hobb or jill,we have one of each at the momment thanks
  8. LOOKS great were can I get a load of pipe like that?
  9. nice to hear you got sorted,looking forward to photos
  10. great photos guys love it
  11. gutted for you mate,6 yrs ago we had the same ,they stole all my wifes,a month before some lads came to do fenceing,so we think it was them,its dreadfull they want there fingers cutting of b*****ds
  12. HI to all,any advice on the best book and dvd to buy on working ferrets,there are loads out there,but I thought I would ask on here first thanks
  13. im just got my boys 2 ferrets 5wks old, both polecats hob and jill,but the boys love them and handle them everyday.now I wanted them for working and the mrs said if ever I lost one the boys will be heart-broken,so do I go and get another hob from the guy I had these two from,or will they fight all the time being 2 hobs and a jill,any help advice please thanks
  14. buy one ive just bought one from ebay for my boys ferrets,it comes today flat-packed,i could have built one ,but ive never got the time with my two young boys,the new one we are getting,has a pull out plastic tray to save the wood from rotting,but the hutch is going in our massive log store ,once in there we shall open the doors for them to run around all day,and that's 5x7 so it will be great for them,post you some photos when I get the hutch,have a look on ebay hope you get it sorted,nice and big keep them happy
  15. stunning dog,great photos looks like you had a great day,nice one whats the ferrets name?
  16. hot meat top man ,many thanks for your help time and advice
  17. sweet you got any photos of the trap please? yes they are ferals
  18. ok many thanks for the reply,have you anymore photos of hutch ,you run looks great ,nice size hutch
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