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Everything posted by mollski

  1. Anybody no of a guy on here who does the above please? thank you
  2. anna try putting it on used Dudley its a free site you can post on over here,or preloved is another good site,all the best with the sale
  3. When I was looking for two polecats for me and my boys,everybody said they had handled them from day one,but half the time they tell you that ,just to sell them to you,some were in some right states living in shyt,dreadfull,these are my first two and next time I buy some I shall have a bit more of what to look for etc,ive picked up so good info on this forum,from many helpful people,mine are fed on chicken rabbit,and the dry food james well beloved
  4. im sure ive seen them on ebay bud
  5. JUST had my two out for a while,just wanted to no .When they lie flat to the floor ,so there belly is flat on the floor,why do they do this?
  6. great photos,i think you have far tomany and need to of load a fair few lol
  7. great gaz ,do you need a spade man, I can dig lol
  8. great news gaz ,nice to hear of somebody doing well,looking forward to the video
  9. DONOT make the mistake I made the bloke got them out from there mother with gloves on,learn by my mistake bud
  10. Thanks malt I will try this, when I come home I always let them run free in the garden and not in the court,so they are getting used to different places. thanks again guys for all of your kind help and time
  11. Right my kits run round all day in there court,there hutch is in there but they have never been locked away in it,have I gone wrong by doing this ,because when we pick them up they go mad to go down,hence they still bite,not so much the hobb but the jill is like a bloody viper,im trying my best when handeing her I pick her up around 10 times in half an hour,has soon has I pick her up she goes mad to go down.if I try and hold onto her just goes mad and trys to bite.should I lock them up all day ,and just have them out to handle until the calm down and stop biteing? thanks for help and advice
  12. were can I buy one like this please thanks
  13. A girl not far away from me wants £25 for kits??
  14. ok sounds good will give it a go tonight when I get home,do you lot spit on your hands and rub it all over your hands,or do you spit into your hands and leave it in the centre of your hands for them to lick that way??
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