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Everything posted by mollski

  1. are yes a good mate of my dads has given me a load of stuff finder box nets etc,so I ve put all the other up for sale,need the funds for me harris hawk
  2. HI we are selling our 12wk old polecats, jill and hobb brother and sister, ferrets,both been handled since 5wks old,lovely to handle been handled every day ,.come with new ferret box,and FERRET FINDER/LOCATOR- GOOD CONDITION COLLAR/HARNESS AND RECIEVER BOX 8FT DEPTH case and spare battery and battery cap,in very very good condition,£150 the lot ,im in west midlands dy8 5re,or send me a txt on 07955726955,thank you
  3. hi ive put it on here for my mate rich,if you can call or txt him he will be happy to send photos etc his number is 07720297919 thanks
  4. POSTING for a mate of mine, land rover defender 90 hreg 91 service history, tax and mot,very good condition,please pm for details photos thanks
  5. POSTING for a mate of mine, land rover defender 90 hreg 91 service history, tax and mot,very good condition,please pm for details photos thanks
  6. HAHA gaz your on the bottom right, word has it that you will be signing your new book at the west mids game fair????
  7. WELL WELL I went down my local paper shop today,to buy my countrymans weekly,and whos ferrets should be on the front cover,but gaz_1989 ,some great photos of his ferrets and a good write up, nice to see someone from the forum getting into the local paper,i then bought my monthly copy of escort to see some birds in hunting gear being serviced by yes ,the guy who was in countrymans weekly
  8. yes very true think your right will have another look about,thanks for the advice
  9. just want it to chop rabbits head and legs clean of,while out in the field?
  10. nice one joe,can you send me some photos of your court in the day,please bud give me some idea what else I can put in my court thanks
  11. can you post some more photos of your ferret court,looks awesome please
  12. IVE just put an 8wk old hob in with 2 10wk old hob and jill,the jill fine with him,but the hob has dragged him all over the place,and made him cry out,ive had to take him out,has all he does his wragg him all day,i was hoping they would all get on??
  13. with the dark nights not to far away now,i need some lighting in my court,which is at the bottom of my garden,theres no power down there.i need some lighting so I can go down when I get in from work to clean them out etc,anybody no of anything any good please?
  14. im not sure yet gaz,ive got another lad who is 6 ,they may get board on a day out I will have to see,why does your daughter go with you ?
  15. My 4yr old lad jack,with his new warrior casper, 8wks old today
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