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16 Good

About mollski

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/10/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    west midlands
  1. selling this on ebay,need it gone asap please http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121185302726?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. are the quail and munks easy to keep?
  3. MALE harris ? what they like with kids?
  4. Awesome looking birds, what are they like to keep? will they eat my boys who are 6 and 4 lol,no are they tame birds ,or not for kids to keep with an adult at hand? great set up,ive got a big empty pen,do they make much mess?
  5. Hi to all ive got a open aviary which I need some ideas of what to put in,at first I was going to but a barn owl for my boys ,to learn to train and fly,but im not sure weather I have the time, I do like fowl but were we live im not allowed to keep any type of fowl,i thinks its because of the noise they kick up,i wanted a large type bird rather than the small finch type,any ideas and help guys thanks
  6. Hi would anybody have any idea if there are any mentors in the west midlands,ive had a few birds before,in my younger days,but its time I went down the right road this time,now im wishing to start again, many thanks
  7. BLOODY great photos tomo looks like you had a great day out there,me moms border always looks like he got one on him,love the photos
  8. basherbrown ive emailed you about going out just what I could do with help and advice thanks bud
  9. LOST both of mine 2 weeks ago came back next day for food,but since then ive sold them has all they did was bite hard after 10 weeks of handleing them everyday,i had just about had enough of it,hope you get them back
  10. MATE I wanted a barn owl for my boys,got room for both and more were I live bud,kept harris hawks before
  11. IF ever you are thinking of selling him email me please,i hope you get the time,i had a harris but moved house then had kids,just started to get my time back ,now they have just started school
  12. HI what hawks have you got please?
  13. just seen this on ebay ,any good to anybody http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121174063537?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
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