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Everything posted by cookiemonsterandmerlin

  1. Nothing wrong with single barrel big myth you need a double or semi to shoot good numbers ATB Cookie
  2. Peas can be truly amazing but its rare to shoot the same field 3 days on the trot more like 7 to 10 days but if you have multi shooters on the same permission I doubt that would happen . If you Recce the field the way birds react will give you a far idear on if its worth shooting the field ATB Cookie
  3. Love the red arrows feel so british when I see them

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Yep, the Tornados do it for me.

    2. bird
  4. Nice knowing you walshie ATB Cookie
  5. Then Paulus arrived in cookies combine but lucky had changed the number plate ...............
  6. When I first started work I was a little wanker 20 years on I am just a big wanker
  7. Use to follow shrivenham beagles great to watch on the mink
  8. @ rembrant ....its fecking everywhere like a small rain forest I strimmed it weed killered it and put some bark over but some new lots shot up I`ve got some roundup so I`ll give it a hit -- Roundup plus fairy liquid works a treat helps breaks down the oily leaves which is why most fail to spray it off so you mix the round up and a squirt of fairy .... It does not effect the roundup
  9. A month back on THL and no warning points..........................Yet

    1. walshie


      No-one likes to see a grown man cry.

    2. PIL


      If the JCB got nicked there would be some tears .lol

    3. cookiemonsterandmerlin


      Happy days so glad you missed me

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  10. @ rembrant ....its fecking everywhere like a small rain forest I strimmed it weed killered it and put some bark over but some new lots shot up I`ve got some roundup so I`ll give it a hit -- Roundup plus fairy liquid works a treat helps breaks down the oily leaves which is why most fail to spray it off
  11. No secret I not done anything speical and never claimed to have just done 5 years on call up in op telic 2 loading and unloaded hercs c17s vc10s in some hot and sunny locations and some not so hot and sunny locations
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCLs0jv_Efk&feature=player_detailpage
  13. I think the welsh should stick to rugby coming to think of it I think the english should as well
  14. Yes I thought I get my staff to clear it up much like Johny got his staff while he watched from the bedroom window
  15. This was the worst job I had to tackle this year a 120 foot popular over a 20 foot deep pond
  16. First off Ideation im not going to get in to a slanging match over what i post and what i dont post thats up to me but my post was ment for infomation only as in there are still some good areas left and if people want to travel all that way to TRY and find the same areas we found best of luck to them cause we traveled over 300 miles last week and trust me dorset is one big area. Dont worry he is on a higher plane than the rest of us
  17. Paulus wanted to be Cliff but the director of THL summer holiday said he didnt have enough focus for the job
  18. I know its clear some see the reserve forces as mickey mouse but they all deserve respect I respect the full time lads strange though after just short of 5 years of be moblized I servied longer than alot the full timers
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