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Everything posted by cookiemonsterandmerlin

  1. Fook me Grant c you must be only fooker on THL who does not know my name address etc etc
  2. Dont worry Grant c I leave it at that Cookie
  3. Alot really being as how he is third in line to thone of england scotland and wales ,and that Grant c will not accept/respect that he and fellow countrymen/women will be ruled by the queen/king of england for some time
  4. Fair chance that moor is owned by a non scottish owner plus if you got enough cash you could buy that view
  5. PIL stop stalking me

    1. cookiemonsterandmerlin


      I dont want to know what your fat finger is doing while your thinking of me LOL


    2. walshie


      "Fat fingers" "Accident" OF COURSE.

    3. PIL


      Feck off Pugwash lol

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  6. scotland has its own government tho............ and comments like your are probably why most scots hate us!!!! You could be right but it cuts both ways I dont think you could say they have totally independant goverment it there to please there country people rather than serve a real purpose
  7. And may I compliment how well "you" are running the nation of Great Britain. Grant c iv a lot of respect for Scots , Welsh , Irish but im also a Proud Englishman. Us laymen have nothing to be ashamed of its those in power that always corrupt But in recent History it seems to be Scotsmen that have fooked up Blair Brown and by fook Cameron sounds Scottish enough to me lol None of them are worth the time of day mate but cookiewhateverhisnameis said that "we ruled them" meaning England rules us, so therefore he got a smart arse comment back, I have friends in every country in Br
  8. Best thing to come out of scotland is Lab
  9. You can take our women .........I give that a miss thanks You can take our land .............only if it grouse moor with no midges You can take our benefits ........you do that already You can take our oil .................we already do that You cant take our freedommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Best bet is either ex police dog unit van/or ex fridge van with the thermoking insulation
  11. Born hunter we run scotland we rule scotland end off it just they cant stand the fact we do ,we may have failed to beat the scots in many battles but the fact is our queen rules them our goverment rules them . The pen is mighter than the sword when they can stand alone then there countrymen/women can claim to be ruled by whoever they wish but until that day they will be ruled by the queen/king of england. Long live the queen
  12. Harry bought a Nazis onesy for him
  13. If its ginger then Lab must be the father
  14. Your arse was bang tidy in them hot pants
  15. I been beating for the queen a couple of times I must admit seeing Lab dressed up in drag on keepers day was one of the finest sights in the kingdom of fife
  16. The upside is most royals enjoying the country sports
  17. Thunder thunder thundercats are go

    1. Malt


      Snarf, snarf!! lol

    2. paulus


      fook off mumm ra..lol

    3. cookiemonsterandmerlin


      Showing our age the fookin kids havent a clue what we on about

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  18. Still we could head to london plenty of Charlies to catch
  19. I am no royalist but our country is steeped in history and traditions it be a dull place to live if diffrent countries didnt have diffrent traditions
  20. Plus vans offer less ventilation for the mutts tint the rear windows happy days plus most second hand vans have been ragged to death
  21. But there is more than one stow in the UK
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