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Everything posted by TimJ

  1. Christian J. They are talking of G. Mason not D. Mason
  2. Sam, was your dad good friends with Winch and didn't he and your dad smarten up their terriers with a bit of pedigree Lakeland blood ?
  3. Nice type.........what are their origins
  4. I think Winkhound got it close. The more a terrier tries to dominate the worse end of the stick he might get. When he keeps getting pounded, the mind starts working on him.
  5. This is bull x stag................a very biddable capable cross
  6. There are two on that site just like you and Frank , m.r.1 They try and keep the working fraternity straight
  7. They look like they are two weeks old already Nice healthy pups
  8. The black is trimmed up nicely Sanglier
  9. Close to the collie family they are
  10. Nice dog Still alot of weight. How old is she ?
  11. He'll grow about an 1 1/2 " after 5 months, so you are definately looking at 14 inch
  12. SJ, don't tell me with all your efforts you have no male to put her to ?
  13. With no disrespect SJ, she sounds like some bitch. How often do they come like her ?
  14. Have to agree........she's a cracking wee bitch
  15. Lucky, have you changed your mind on bull crosses some ?
  16. Good read Shamo...........thanks for the post
  17. Question: You get a second lurcher after your first is full grown and doing what you want it to do. You get a second lurcher and let it settle in for a few days until it is use to its surroundings, you, and the other dog. You then let the two out together into the garden to begin to establish their relationship together. The pup lets say is about 12 weeks old and 25 pounds or so. They begin to play and the the adult of course is strong and playful. The adult rolls the pup a few times only in roughhouse play. How many of you have / had pups that don't want any part of it and take c
  18. m.r1 please come back on and post abit from time to time.
  19. OK Nelly thanks for the picture
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