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Everything posted by sp0oner

  1. Hi i recently took in a jill and her 5 kits, all are doing well and i have found homes for the jill and 4 of the kits. So i have a hob left, looks like he will be a silvery colour with darker markings across his shoulders and down his legs. Their eyes opened last week so should be ok to go in 3 to 4 weeks time.I'm in kent in the Rochester /Maidstone area if anyone is interested. Cheers, i've got some lined up from a rescue centre now but good luck with the hob.
  2. Better off culled at a few days old than filling a ferret rescue centre IMO.. You hardly ever heard of outbreaks of disease in ferrets when there wasn't these rescue centres everywhere with large numbers of ferrets being kept in close proximity to each other. It ain't healthy.. Are you saying anything from a ferret rescue is going to be bad news? I'm looking for a couple of kits (gills) and can't find any in the south east and so was considering getting a couple from a rescue. No I wouldn't go that far mate.. It's just every now and again you get a post on here saying something like 'w
  3. Better off culled at a few days old than filling a ferret rescue centre IMO.. You hardly ever heard of outbreaks of disease in ferrets when there wasn't these rescue centres everywhere with large numbers of ferrets being kept in close proximity to each other. It ain't healthy.. Are you saying anything from a ferret rescue is going to be bad news? I'm looking for a couple of kits (gills) and can't find any in the south east and so was considering getting a couple from a rescue.
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