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About coneyman999

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 20/04/1970

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  1. Lansky deluxe complete set, all you need, easy to use and perfect everytime. Avoid cheap imitations!
  2. if Im gutting large numbers in the field i always take a fixed blade type stanley Knife in holster with spare blades, easy to swap as the blade will loose its edge cutting through the skin. not folding knife in and out with crappy, wet and cold hands.
  3. No, agouti don't have a minimum order policy I don't think, they have always been the best in my experience.
  4. I use cut/heal for rat bites on mine, best stuff ever apart from the smell, heals from the inside out so pushes all the crap out of the wound you can't get with the saltwater and doesn't seal it in. Top stuff.
  5. Large, Original professionally framed Harris Hawk picture in Pastels, see classifieds (http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/classifieds/item/198-harris-hawk-original-picture/)or PM me for details.
  6. Tiger 82 is 100% right, a ferret that can't be handled should never be allowed to run free in a court, hutch only then pick them up regularly, spit or milk in the palm is good. All else fails use a bitter lemon or bitter lime spray on your hands before you pick em up, one taste of that stuff usually puts em off biting. All mine are handled every day and every now and again you get a spiteful btard and the spray works well, but only put it on your hands and let it dry, don't spray it at them. Don't hold em round the neck to stop em biting, it achieves nothing, you gotta let em bite until they r
  7. A vet is not allowed to administer an antibiotic to a ferret, because there are no antibiotics licensed for use on a ferret, so in that situation you have to do it yourself.
  8. If the first litter is small then the Jill may come into heat again around 2 to 4 weeks after first kits weaned, not always the case but more often than not.
  9. Haha Waz, always trigger em coming to France, very slow on my way home lol
  10. My Plummer pup came out with the pack from 3 months onwards, she basically entered herself and joined in with kills. At 9 months she is now slaying them for fun. I wouldn't allow a pup on its own without back up until it had a full set of adult teeth.
  11. Breath testing kits not enforced anymore Waz!! And I didn't have any fines for my camera flashes when I got home!! Lol, British and Dutch refused to sign up to exchange of details with rest of Europe so far so unless it's a dibble with a handheld ur safe!! You can use satnav no problem but it can't have camera alerts so tomtom have come up with "safety zones" which are legal to use, not sure if other satnav brands have followed suit yet.....but......if you get a flash they can't do you anyway so put yer foot down and flick em the finger, most I ever had was 23 flashes in 2 weeks and never got
  12. Mist him lightly with cold water and a fan, make an electrolyte (1pt warm water, 1 tablespoon sugar or glucose is better if you have it and add a teaspoon of salt, stir well to dissolve salt then allow to drink as much as possible.
  13. Do you feed egg by any chance?
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