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Everything posted by Westyorkshire_lad

  1. Wasn’t the bitch kipper have a whippetxgrey to a saluki ?
  2. The reason I asked I have a pure saluki bitch I been thinking of putting back to a coursing bred dog but these days I stay away from the big land with things being the way they are and most times I run my dogs on smaller land with hedges fences etc , iv been asking my self recently would I need a 5 mins in a tank kind of dog eg when I’m only running smaller land which you need a faster early pace kind of dog some one suggested a whippet over the saluki
  3. Anyone run this cross and what’s your thoughts on it ?
  4. Dogs look well mate atb with the season
  5. If I could roam the big land like that on horse back I would be slipping big like that too , most of the land here is no where big as that only thing I would say about the galgo from what I have seen only on internet is that when they do make ground and get close they have no control of the hare few over kill on turns and the hares gone , a good dog sits behind a hare on big land watching it breaks the hare down slows it down and moves in on the kill (smaller land you want it to take it out fast ) the galgo seem to run very much like the greyhounds fast over killing the turns not tactical just
  6. How do you think our bred coursing dogs would do over there ? The ground looks very dry and hard the hares seem to be flying ?
  7. Tinned tomatoes regular in his food and give him a banana few hours before you run him
  8. I had a same problem with a coursing bred bitch I bought in around similar age to urs very head strong on the lamp she would hunt up if missed would not come back until she was ready to,standing in the dark waiting for your dog one minute feels like a hour when you want to be on and off the land , I gave her to a friend of mine who ran her daytime only was the same with him would hunt up if missed she settled down around after 3 years of age and turned out to be a good daytime bitch . I read something of here someone mentioned a while back about feeding your dog when out walking exercising on
  9. Best of luck with him mate hope you have a good season
  10. He’s a beauty mate what’s he like on smaller land ?
  11. No offence pal but take that collie cross on the fen winter time ul be lucky to kill 1
  12. Any animal bred for competion will sell for big money horses greyhounds lurchers pit bulls match animals, working collie selling for top money trainered for sheep and for competitions. People make money of these matching studing and breeding and every ones aim is to have something Better
  13. Agree with ya mate , I heard razor was ill a while back and no longer up for stud
  14. Fens did u have a pup out of digger to a pure ? Is razor dog still about ?
  15. Everyone likes to jump on the band wagon haven’t heard anything running out of him except the litter from robins scruffy but she was a good bitch too out of barney, sister to scouser .
  16. Some pics of digger iv found off a old thread and a pup off him ??
  17. Don’t think he would suit going over a pure imo there’s bear dogs that’s good
  18. Personally to a pure I would go for a light fast dog aggressive style of running , some good dogs about Jamie (buddy x Sonia ) allisters duke , digger , rover , Romeo, shame buddy dog not about anymore
  19. would it be worth importing something like this over ? Have many times tought about importing something over , own something different . would love to line a pure something like the above to our coursing bred stock .
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