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Everything posted by gavajo

  1. Hey everyone, in our new article we complete half the springbuck grand slam in south africa, hope you enjoy it. http://this-ishunting.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/comienzo-del-grand-slam-springbucks.html
  2. hey everyone, here is a story that shows what hunting should really be about, hope you enjoy it. http://this-ishunting.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/el-lance-por-encima-de-todo-hunt-is.html
  3. New article released on the blog, this time a bushbuck in South Africa http://this-ishunting.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/cazando-en-familia-hunting-with-family.html
  4. Hello, I am from Spain and really enjoy my hunting. I do a lot of hunting specially in Spain and Southern Africa. Also a buddy and I recently started a new hunting blog; this-ishunting.blogspot.com here we write about our hunting experiences and I hope some of you go on give them a read. Regards, Joaquin. http://this-ishunting.blogspot.com.es/
  5. Hello, I am from Spain and really enjoy my hunting. I do a lot of hunting specially in Spain and Southern Africa. Also a buddy and I recently started a new hunting blog; this-ishunting.blogspot.com here we write about our hunting experiences and I hope some of you go on give them a read. Regards, Joaquin. http://this-ishunting.blogspot.com.es/
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