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Matthew Phillips

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Everything posted by Matthew Phillips

  1. Just came across this on youtube and thought it was a joke. How they expect this to hold zero i do not know. Companies will sell anything to make money.
  2. So where's the post about these lamps and how to buy one?
  3. My 22wmr puts out a 30gr at 2200fps, i should imagine that 22wsm could do the same with a 40gr.
  4. Thanks Charlie Caller, this is exactly what i thought. But the annoying this is the very first thing i did was phone them up to give them the address but they didn't seem interested and said i had to get the form filled in. I said can't you just tell me over the phone and they said 'no i need to send in a permission slip', as far as I'm concerned that's wrong? The annoying thing is the force is pretty slow with anything... I doubt i'll here back for a few weeks.
  5. 22lr Definately! £7 for a box of 100 remington subsonic. Or for an even cheaper option why don't you go the air rifle route? The range is obviously limited but they're great for playing with and cheap to shoot at £10 for a tin of 500.
  6. Ok but the form is to be filled in by the farmer. All i should need is something along the lines of 'XYZ is allowed to shoot ABC on my land at address DEF'. The police don't need for me to tell them what calibers can be used as it's up to them to state the maximum that can be used, and i can then make my decision based on that. Unfortunately the process for this in my county is slow. You'd think that I could just call them and ask over the phone if the land has been cleared before and to what caliber.
  7. Wonder what muzzle energy a 22 winchester super magnum would produce. Would kind of make my 22wmr obsolete
  8. Guys, So i've just been offered a new permission, which has been shot over before with rimfire but the owner didn't know if the previous shooter had an open ticket or not. Thus i've contacted the police to check and they said i have to get the owner to fill in this form and send it to them. <rant> The problems I have are as follows; The form states 'as the owner of the land'; however i was under the impression it's not just the owner who can give me permission. Sometimes people rent land but do not own it, all i need is lawful authority, not permission from the owner. The
  9. Why they don't do an illuminated reticle version i do not know!
  10. So i have a Nikko Stirling laser range finder. And it does work at night.... However.....good luck reading the LCD! You have to aim it at the moon to read it or shine it at your phone screen immediately afterwards. And like treecreeper mentioned. It's a bitch to aim as you can't see the dot!
  11. Ah sorry, yeah i meant compared to the smallest cf (22 hornet)
  12. Looks a neat round though. Very very flat shooting and cheap as well (not taking into account home reloading)
  13. Ouch, 3 months turn around. Has it cost you anything for the posting or are Remington covering the bill?
  14. Care to share the model and reason for the recall?
  15. So has anyone in the UK played with this round? How does it compare to the 17HMR. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.17_Winchester_Super_Magnum
  16. I have a 10/22 with custom hammer and heavy barrel. Cost 400 second hand (with scope and mod). It has a hogue oversold stock and is perfect for bunny bashing. I've never shot a CZ but have heard they're slightly more accurate, however, the ability to fire off multiple rounds quickly is what made the decision for me. And regarding accuracy, half inch 5 shot groups at 60 yards is nothing to moan about!
  17. Ok, just to confirm Lyalvale Express have replied to me query, see below: Dear Matthew, Thank you for your email, the 42 gram super game is designed for normal 2 3/4" 70mm proof so this falls within your guns proof. Please ask your gunsmith to check the condition of your barrels etc. and that they are suitable for this load. Kind regards, Marcus
  18. You considered a 22wmr? You can get 50gr ammo that doesn't get affected by the wind as much.... although it's loopy! So a trade off.
  19. 42g no1s, they're more likely to kill the fox then no3s i though? And the more lead the better
  20. Ah sweet. So that means my bare has also been proofed to 17637psi (1240kg/cm2). Why proof it twice? Once when made and once when later imported to the UK? (Originally this shotgun was for the american market so might have had to have the British proof testing performed?)
  21. Thanks for the response Charlie caller. Sadly the box doesn't state the required proofing, neither does the ink on the cartridge.... thus, i checked on the manufacturers website and can't see it there either! Useless... http://www.lyalvaleexpress.com/super-game-42-grams
  22. Hi guys, I have an old Beretta AL-2 (american import version of the A301) that i would like to know if I can shoot heavy loads through it such as 42g. I went out this weekend and used a box of 42g lead cartridges without problems but today the shop mentioned it's worth checking my gun is proofed for it. How do i check this? Also, is it ok for steel shot? Thanks in advance P.s. Yes it worked for 25 shots, but i don't want the 26th to be the one that goes wrong.
  23. So is 22lr the 'certain circumstances' bit and 22wmr as normally acceptable?
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