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About wsimonw

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. cheers all got me thinking of two kennels side by side with runs also side by side then they wont be in the same run but will be together
  2. thanks all 102(and rising) people looked at the post and not one answer,wow
  3. hi all, im thinking of building ben(black lab) a new/bigger kennel and as he's in the old one for a while on his own ( im at work) would it be better for him to have a buddy in with him (might not be another gundog, maybe a whippit or terrier) cheers simon
  4. my 7 month old lab is doing great so far ....but.... SIT (close in) he sits (on command or whistle) at distance... SIT.....s l o w l y sits down , iv'e tried only sitting him close in for a while so he gets used to sitting at a normal pace but then ill try again at distance and you guessed it......why do they do this and how to stop it happening
  5. does anyone know if theres any crayfish to be caught up north, calderdale to be precise
  6. im going but reluctantly paying the £19 to get in X 2 adults and a teenager £££££ were do they get these prices from
  7. join whichever you think best, but dont go by other peoples prejudices.......its no good slagging BASC off, at the end of the day there here for us. PS: im'e with BASC and the NGO
  8. theres plenty of point when crow shooting for vermin controle, after all its the bird dead that is the point, not much point in shooting pigeons as theres not much left to eat unless your a special forces sniper and go fo head shots only
  9. how do you alter the trigger on my sons 28 bore, its a bit on the hard side as far as squeezing it is concerned.
  10. thesame questions as rabbitNMY please HBG if there still there that is, oh and where in the country are they
  11. isnt WD40 good stuff, i took the stock off and checked inside and everything looked good apart from looking a bit black oily, so i gave it a realy good soaking with WD40 and left it a while then dabbed it dry and put it back together.............whoooaaaa, what a difference, its new again
  12. thanks macnas, ill do all that and if its no better the gunsmith i will go
  13. ive just bought my lad a second hand investarm 28bore, i have a few little niggles with it, firstly its quite hard to open in that the lever has to be pushed right to the very last before it opens and even then its stiff, and secondly when its shut it doesn't quite shut as tight as i would like it to, ............any info on helping me fix these problems would be great. simon
  14. hi all, just joined,what iv'e seen looks good, im in
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