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Everything posted by bunnybuster3000

  1. do you do much with your nite site ,thinking of getting one. is it the 50 or 200. Good shooting mate
  2. Out for a wander this afternoon sunny but bloody windy managed to get these 5 Lots of young uns about shot a black one but it was to dark for my poxy phone to take a picture.
  3. No mate they died from lead poisoning (to the brain)
  4. Did you shoot them or are they road kills lol
  5. Went for a wander out today with my air rifle as it wasn't raining Got these three first Managed to get one more before i went home
  6. I get mine filled at a diving shop in town road hanley stoke on trent next to the traffic lights
  7. Yes that big one at the bottom was a old dog with hardly got any teeth
  8. Here's a couple of foxes my dad shot whilst i was out with him
  9. Are the feet bleeding or is it the photo Here feet hair is white but she chewes them no and again
  10. Are the feet bleeding or is it the photo No mate its just the photo
  11. The two guns with the rabbits are an anschutz 17hmr and savage 17hmr and the one with the fox is a tikka t3 lite 223 centifire the little person is me ill post more pics soon
  12. Here's mine she's a 3/4bedlington x collie lurcher
  13. I'm new on here thought I'd put some pics on here from last year shooting with my dad I'll put some more fox shooting ones on
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