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Everything posted by Wirey

  1. That fish looks good feeding,, do you feed it all the time?
  2. Trying a spoonful of flax oil at the moment mixed with minced chicken...doing well on it.. Had been feeding tripe but got the chicken a bit cheaper...some recon the chicken is better feeding than the tripe..anyone else feeding minced chicken??
  3. Have you a copy of them handy,,, would like to see how they might differ from mine TIA,,,ATB
  4. Any luck with finding a stud dog? Is that one you have a good ratter?
  5. Good luck with the pup looks good,,,what breeding is it?
  6. I know of a guy that has them....shows them tho.....really well made will see if I have some photos
  7. Can you post up a price list ... I'd be interested... Cheers
  8. I keep them paired up in the kennel and run them out over the fields all together night and morning, seems to work ok, atm.
  9. I would always keep two together, think its best for company, never had any trouble..touch wood.. Think it depends on the dog and if they've been well socialised.. Some would say you can't rear two pups together, I've done it.. How else are you going to keep your lines going?
  10. Fox dropper ,, what do you mean when you say turn it back in,,, can you explain?
  11. Really depends on what your looking to do with the terrier...
  12. Fair play jossa, lovely pup, that's how it should be, pups gifted like that will do better for you, imho, all the very best with her, it's worth the trip:))
  13. Interesting topic any pics of Smithy?
  14. Anyone out this weekend in Cambridge area, pm if need a helping hand.
  15. Nice one, best of luck with her.
  16. Great looking pup there hpr what size you reckon it'll turn out?
  17. Nice pup ltd, glyn, that chocolate pups like one I have, what height is it?
  18. Nice pup Glynn whats his breeding?
  19. Nice lakey you have there ATB with them
  20. Good stuff Flacko glad you got sorted out, she's a good size, poly pocket, would you like them a bit bigger?
  21. Nice pups, did you breed them from your own stock?
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