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About ulknoodle

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  1. @ideation: I have got this info and have send him a pm. @phil: thank you very much. do you have some pics from your sheepdogs? I am very interested in old pics.
  2. Who is interested im my Beardies, they are both from Lynne Sharpe, Brambledale Beardies. http://www.spanglefish.com/brambledalebeardedcollies/index.asp
  3. @paulus: Ah, ok. I thought I did a mistake. @sallor30: Maybe on FB? I posted it there too.
  4. Oh sorry. I thought that I am at the "new member" section with my post. Please can someone from the admins move my post to the "new member" section? Thank you very much. I know that is a hunting forum but I think that there are some members who know Working Beardies. Carolin
  5. Hello everyone, I´m from Germany and own to Working Beardie bitches from Wales. The older bitch is black and the youngest bitch is merle. I want to have puppies in the future from one of my Beardies but it is very difficult to find a suitable stud dog who is not related to my Beardies, has less Border blood and is from pure working stock. So, if you know someone who has a nice Working Beardie dog please feel free and get in touch with me. Best wishes Carolin
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