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Everything posted by roosika

  1. Right I'll give it a go now pal
  2. Erm can upload them on here a don't think mate on a phone to . Al try get them up
  3. Nice one ! Natural are the way forward IMO
  4. Done this the other day really nice grain on it ! Strong as you like . Got 105 on and nice leather pouch , up for 25 or Ono any questions ask me http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/Ross_Fewster/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsda3a9d02.jpg.html?filters[user]=136756163&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/Ross_Fewster/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps095ee94b.jpg.html?filters[user]=136756163&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1
  5. Is there any good indoor ranges where you can shoot away without being stopped every 10 shot ? North east County Durham
  6. He can't shoot for shit , 4 shots at a magpie and the 4 th was a kill
  7. was thinking of getting some of the neo squares , can you attatch them to over the top if you have scalloped tips ?
  8. I was gunna get some but went for the 1745 get loads more , and thanks mate
  9. Who's joe 90 ? Or gun ? Me haha ?
  10. Anybody after some making ? Only know this one but will be able to do more soon . Only this colour for now aswell 3.50 http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/Ross_Fewster/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpscdb047d8.jpg.html?filters[user]=136756163&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
  11. What tubes are used on catapult crazy when shooting out the car , the blue ones ? And how are they attatched
  12. Same only ever hit my finger with a rock which f****d my finger not as bad as that though
  13. Never ! Don't want one looks nasty .. Ment to hit the target
  14. Yeah some sling 15 lead with 3 bands a side
  15. I have got my first pcp s410f and to be honest I like using my old springers and I'm going to get another something mid price range , all have the same power around about and all as accurate depending on the shorter but all can take small game . And going into FAC you may as well get a .22 rim fire and pay 200 max for a mint cz or something
  16. Nice I been to ask da tonight can't get Hold of them
  17. What's the draw like though less than double tbg ? I have loads of 15 lead to use
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