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Everything posted by roosika

  1. I run on the golf corse every so often these trees must have been massive before they were cut as there is ones which are left and have the spikes there all canny thin and young , these are next to them and hundred of meters of this gorze trunks load a forks , just got 6 yew ones tonight while On a mooch testing this catty out
  2. Photo'a don't show it off well will try get some More tomorrow
  3. Had this left to do of my recent batch of gorze . Carved and shaped to fit the hand ect . Lovely grain shown by sanding to 500 grit . smooth as you like . 3 coats of true oil and banded with #105 Shoots like a dream Asking for 30 pound or closets offer will also come with spare bands ask for prefrance [url=http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/Ross_Fewster/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps0e3e9c0b.jpg.html]http://i1298.photobuck
  4. Got 1 of mine finished true oil is just drying then I'll post it all the ones posted look like they would fit the hand well
  5. Out side diameter where I beveld it is 10mm and inside is 8 mm
  6. I got an ordanry blank and put Mine I'm my self on a bandsaw for the cut and think the hole is just abit bigger than 1745 tubes gives room to play with abit 2mm
  7. I don't bother with ply much it's strong but can buy a blank and do the rest your self , or Is marine ply different to multiplex ?
  8. Anyone been making any cattys lately ? I have a few naturals I'm working on hoping to do some hdpe soon ! What you're projects ?
  9. Wood pigeon are classed as vermin can be killed all year round
  10. Yup shame , , would have stood no chance if It didn't turn round
  11. Unlucky , I hit one just then on a walk I went the other side so I could get a shot at the from of It them it turned round . Hit the tail of it massive crack
  12. Think I need a look about , think I would like a hw80 but the 77 or 97 it's tempting to but as you have all said as good as each other Tha ks
  13. Got my aa s410f carbine 2013 model .22 Lovely gun producing groups which I didn't expect and taking game nice , just abit sick of a pcp and filling up . Was think of selling all in all and buying a spring gun have been thinking of a hw80 hw97 not sure on which , reason being is the 97 is heavy ? And just wondering what I would be looking at for hw80 and 97 and what's better ect tuning ..
  14. Just been told wrap and tuck is to tigjt
  15. don't under stand why there not lasting 2 seconds , brand new cutter from staples ect for it still not to work ?
  16. I am using 12mm lead and the taper is 30-25
  17. Using asda bands red , just got a new roller cutter and after 50 shots my bands started to rip I'm not doing anything wrong ! Could it be the cutting mat ? I'll try a band set cutting on glass next but ATM it's starting to piss me off as I haven't had a lasting band set !!!!
  18. When using tubes , do fork tips have to be scolloped ?
  19. All nice I like thAt shape in naturals fit the hand really good
  20. I find singles better personally
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