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Everything posted by onthehunt

  1. Anyone seen one like this or similar? am thinking some kind of colour mutation
  2. Do you get ever get problems with inbreeding? just asking
  3. I'd help as I've got a first cross he's prob my best worker but your too far I think
  4. Lol Haven't noticed the piss smell anymore than usual with mine. in fact compared to the hobs', I never notice it!
  5. To be honest his temperament is very even. you wouldn't be able to distinguish his character from a normal ferret. As a kit he was very lively and alert a bit nervous too around that time the eu came out a lot but now he's a fine worker dare say he's one of my best
  6. I've also been to a pet shop that quoted 190 for a normal ferret kit in the London area. no joke.unfortunately, i've seen lots of folk fall for it and hand over the money
  7. How olds he nice dark markings He's 3 now really proved himself very proud of him too. he's an eu first cross hence dark coat
  8. Yeah i have some mates who's lovely natured jills turn into wild animals and bite to the bone. I have been given the advice to leave them to it 2 weeks following the birth don't disturb them but replace their food, water etc and just stick in some more bedding but dont touch the nest. Some people know their jills very well and have had several litters by them, may have a strong bond with them and can handle the kits from birth. But this can only be if the particular jill is one that doesn't turn into a monster lol
  9. Aside from a bulging, round stomach that's the only other obvious symptom ive seen in mine. They will also make nests and you'll see them hiding under them. i have observed plenty of mates' jills throughout their pregnancies but this is my first litter. so if this is your first too then we're in the same boat.
  10. My jill is showing nipples now they are also reddening, she's bulging out at the sides and stashing her food esp the fresh meat I give her. she started showing these symptoms a week or so after I separated them but she could have conceived way before this. Make sure you increase her food intake because she needs the extra calories, least this is what I was advised. And mines eating like a pig
  11. They've got tons and tons of photos on fb page of snakes, exotic reptiles, bunnies etc etc etc from their 'breeding facility'. The response I got to asking about the ferrets was:- Hi, the Welsh look a likes resemble the ones from the colony living wild in wales hard to describe but easy to see beside the usual polecat type. thanks
  12. That's odd try now http://www.ekmpowershop27.com/ekmps/shops/buriramphur/yearling-welsh-wild-lookalike-ferrets---mustela-putorius-furo-8096-p.asp Yeah unfortunately there are plenty of ppl new to ferrets ready to part with mad cash
  13. Came across this website selling what looks like run of the mill ferrets for 50 quid..anyone heard of this 'type' of ferret? http://www.ekmpowershop27.com/ekmps/shops/buriramphur/yearling-welsh-wild-lookalike-ferrets---mustela-putorius-furo-8096-p.asp
  14. Mine is doing this mate even though she's been plugged. normal because she's in season
  15. A mate recently bought a 8 month old pup and previous owners fed him Bakers complete. he wants to get him off it and onto Beta but now he really won't eat anything else. Is there anything wrong with Bakers though? anyone feed it?
  16. YOu could try one of these. Woah that thing is fooking ugly!! it would completely cramp the style of my hutches
  17. I have quite a few homes lined up for mine and am keeping a few obviously. I am only breeding one of my good workers too.
  18. Could the disease have been adrenal? 99% of cases are seen in neutered/spayed ferrets. I know a lot about this problem which is why I have never neutered. ever and won't despite the smell. Although if you said your ferret was having a seizure, this does sound like insulinoma.
  19. Heard about this insulinoma and most if not all US/Canada members on Facebook aggressively push the raw diet (just meat no dry food). I would agree that whole prey or meat is the best for them but the bulk of my ferrets' diet is dry. they love it! but they also get a lot of raw once a week.
  20. What problems have you experienced with breeding? I know many who routinely do it every year without any problems.
  21. I agree, most obvious thing is to make sure both are in season i.e. the hobs balls have dropped and the jills vulva is swollen like a walnut. Most hobs will do the job without any trouble There was a lot of screeching and opposition from my jill but I left them together for 2 weeks and now that the jills vulva has reduced to very small, they have been separated. ALWAYS make sure the jill has clean surroundings as she's prone to infections when in season. Good luck
  22. Had this on my jill now that she's been screwed, her vulva has gone down and the blister has disappeared. I did used a bit of warm water to soothe it and clean it though didn't know whether it was painful or not. there was also some liquid oozing from her. might it have been an indication of a problem? or something else
  23. Out of interest, how long do your castrated hobs live on average?
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