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Everything posted by onthehunt

  1. Just went outside to clean out hutch and found that my 10 week old kit has blood in his poop. the poop is solid and not runny at all so looks normal just one of them is covered in a bit of blood. he is eating and drinking very well and seems very bright and normal. should I be worrying? perhaps its because he swallowed some material from his toys?
  2. Is £20-30 considered expensive??
  3. It looks like a mink to me as well Looks like a mink to me too. I just wanted to see if anybody has a picture of a stoat cross that's all. but no I wouldn't want a hybrid as to much digging. Nah that is definitely a stoat or weasel! only one way to find out if its not a con is to arrange to see them
  4. Your right there, shavings do make a massive mess! my last shavings bag ran out yesterday and I won't be buying another for my kit so he'll have to make do with hay
  5. Yeah in the summer when the hobs are in season they tend stink to high heaven! worse than in winter so he's kept outside during this time. he did have fleeces and beds especially made for ferrets but I've taken them away for now as they tend to trap his smell and exacerbate his odour perhaps it doesn't help me that he's always refused to use a litter tray/plastic box but he does have his shit areas so... Anyway he is now set up with the hay in the sleeping area and straw in the rest of the hutch.
  6. I've had a very close look and can't see anything indicative of an infection/parasites etc. I clean out the poop corner every 2 days and the entire thing gets cleaned every week. can't say how clean the breeders hutches were though...
  7. Have now just bought some hay and straw so will see how it goes
  8. Okay will look today in my nearest equestrian store and see what they got
  9. Anyone offering a jill ferret adult or kit? would prefer sandy or polecat but not fussy. Will be moving near London soon so would prefer not to travel too far from the outskirts Thanks
  10. I have already tried holding his feet everytime I catch him and he seems to get distressed then just gets back to doing it once I let go. I also tried saying 'no' to no avail and using his toys but nothing will take him away from the chewing :hmm:Think I will just wait and see if he grows out of it. By the way he is now over 8 weeks with a full set of teeth so I think its just harmless chewing.
  11. Hi guys, last week I took my ferret to the vet only to be told that his sneezing and runny nose was due to him being allergic to the woodshavings used in his hutch. the same thing happened with my last ferret too so I ended up using newspaper but this creates a very messy affair My question is does anyone use straw/hay and is it a safe alternative for ferrets?? I want to try it because it is cheap like woodshavings and will not pay though the nose for 'posh' bedding you get in some pet shops.
  12. He plays normally, is excitable, eats a lot, sociable and displays all the signs of a healthy kit its just that when he has enough of playing he will chew his feet. he'll do it when he's relaxing too. as his living quarters are outside in a hutch, I don't see him all hours of the day so he may be doing it a lot more than when he's given time out of his hutch. they are not hard bites cos if they were, he surely wouldn't do it he does it the way a puppy would chew a toy. my other hob isn't neutered and I'm not planning on doing it cos its not necessary. they have been introduced but he's in se
  13. Perhaps they wanted ferrets that are established workers and they didn't want to have to start over again with kits?? it can be difficult getting a novice ferret to work
  14. I have another ferret but he is housed separately cos I had a great spare hutch going I thought it would be better to put him in there to avoid stress when he came home. Was 7 weeks when I got him now turned 8. I've basically continued the same diet from the breeder which is mixture rabbit and dry (james wellbeloved). He has plenty of toys to stimulate him too. Still chewing the feet and has been doing it all night usually inbetween playing, he'll stop and then start chewing again don't know why but then maybe am making a fuss over nothing?? never seen it in my other ferrets when they were ki
  15. No I've checked. They don't seem irritated he just likes chewing them.
  16. Since I got him and he does it between being played with and he'll do it for up to an hour unless I stop him. He has a plenty of toys and plays with them lot and yes he appetite is great, drinking normally etc. He is teething at the moment cos I can see his milk teeth and adult ones beginning to emerge so maybe the foot biting is due to this? I have inspected the toes and there's no damage that I can see. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but a friend's puppy did something similar and the vet said he had a behavioural issue Worried he'll have the habit when he gets bigger
  17. Hi guys question my new kit keeps on chewing his feet and does it for ages sometimes. Is this normal behaviour?? I am worried he might hurt himself later on. Cos I have never had any litters, I don't know if this is normal so has anyone observed this in kits? He has just turned 8weeks.
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