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stalking in england

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About stalking in england

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    Stalking, wild boar in France and all types of shooting. Just got back into my clays after 25 years.
  1. Booking now Some trips already sold out. All inclusive trips start at £875.00 with no trophy fees. Please have a look at the website for details.
  2. hello all, l bought a batch of Remington 9.5 primers having used cci. Nothing has changed with the load or the groups but since changing l have had a couple of missfires. The pin has hit the primer and then nothing. Any thoughts please Mark
  3. Having done a bit of work for the di this year l was invited, along with + others to attend a deer management best practice day at the FC at Santon Downham last week, and what a great day it was. Most of the larder stuff was straight forward but the population dinamics and culling bits were really good as was the deer dog stuff. I know deer are on the increase but the new figures and movement of the population is incredable. All in all a great day and a big thanks to David Hooton and Trevor Banham and their teams for all they put in. Did anyone else go and what were your thoughts?
  4. +1 on that they are kids here too. Four would be very odd, I have never even heard of that.
  5. Film of a range trip. We have 2 more this year! Mark
  6. We have some reported in south norfolk and North suffolk, but regards wild or feral thats very hard to say as we also have huge numbers of out door pig units with escapees from all living in the woods around the units. When these start to interbreed then we will have a large number and very quickly. My mate whos french found signs very soon after moving to this area but as yet I do not know of any possitive sightings in this immediate area. Mark
  7. We had this happen on a trip in France, There was all sorts going on and we got it on flim too. When and if the mods approve me I will put it up. Same day David who was filming had a Red Hind jump over him. He never got that on film as I think he was still in shock! Mark
  8. Hello all was a member in the past but could not log in and the business has changed now, so thought I would start afresh. Would like to keep in touch with friends and clients and who are already on the site and hope to add something of some use. Regards Mark
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