I meant 9 months old his a bit to young for graftin not for givin birth. read the post propa pal I disagree wi breadin dogs till they at least 4 when they have fully matured.atb.....an happy huntin!
My mates pup got caught up in it but luckily we saw him strate away so got him out but could of bin worse if we dint see him, just can't get my head round how some peoples minds work,
Got a call of the keeper yesterday he's had more of his birds took by Mr Foxy so me an my pal got out quiet early an drove to our land when we got there the keeper was waitin for us to arrive. We got the dogs out an we was of we checked 3earths before findin our quary. Pipa was down at 3 foot. Half hour an we broke thru to find she had..k... It. So of we went agen only to find one in the next earth its my pals dog in wi this one all sounds good down the hole we start to dig once agen this time its only a foot an half so we was done in no time. The keeper was more than happy that we got a brace
Hi [BANNED TEXT] I'm new on ere so you not no me. I no this sounds silly but I had s lakeland pat wi similar simtoms an I found that the only thing that worked was thrush cream.
A pups what you make it pal don't matter bout the breading its what you put into it an as for her bein 9month old I'd say thats a bit young but if she's game then let her have it.