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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. He did say he was going over to help them
  2. i could explain things to you. but it seems to be a pointless exercise not in your case, but most of the meat heads who comment on here claim to know more about my Faith than I do . They also claim because I am Shia Muslim i am doing Taqiyya(lying) lol I know who the liars are. How many shia have been involved in the terrorist acts around the world a lot less than Christians and Sunni Muslims that is Certain. They are to entrenched in their own cess pits and guage every man by their low standards. What the West have forced on Countries in the past is history but I and islam are blamed for 1465
  3. All just excusse all these attacks are being carried out by muslims... Just like all the pedophile gangs No excuses.... All muslims
  4. Its never going to happing.... Just look at the way tommy Robinson is treat arrested prison just for speaking out And that's by white British arse holes who overlook anything the Muslims do
  5. I place most of the blame on the liberal left who were giving too much of a mouth piece I remember the little changes creeping in like when they stopped comedians telling certain jokes..... All this has led us to where we are today shouted down and threatened and called racist by people with views like BGD
  6. I remember that tosser Corbyn condemning drone strikes that we're targeting British nationals in Syria undercameron
  7. Just training her for when she's older and may have to fight off a paki rapist
  8. Typical ragheads bite the hand that feeds you West supplies them with arms and they terrorise the west for interfering
  9. We haven't bombed Pakistan / Saudi / Egypt to name a few
  10. At the end of the day it's all about... £££££££ Once its made you enough you could knock it over the head
  11. 100 fold profit yes I would hire him even though I hate the f***ears..... When it comes to making money I'm very greedy It would mean I could get out of blighty a lot quicker I even change my name to Muhammad
  12. I like to watch the auditions so I can laugh at the inbred window lickers
  13. Everythings going to be paid for by cooperate tax and taxing the top 5%.... Really His plans are running into hundreds of billions
  14. Just about every advert on the TV now is mixed race families.... Conditioning everyones minds into it being the norm
  15. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if every last dirty Muslim was sent for a shower
  16. Does that include the one who fight with Al qaeda against isisThey're two sides of the same coin, the fact that isn't obvious to you is quite concerning. I mean actually having to question whether Al Qeada are to be admired or not, what's wrong with you? Your the one stating those going to the middle east to fight are brave not me
  17. Does that include the one who fight with Al qaeda against isis
  18. Most of the groups out there are responsible for barbaric buchery and are classed as terroists Are the one who go over there to fight for isis or the taliban brave folk also
  19. Had a vigil in Newcastle the days after and local radio was interviewing some Muslim c**t..... And all he was banging on about was communities comming together Until the next coward Muslim decide to pick on some easy targets Thankfully more and more people are realising we have a major problem with the Muslim communities and sooner or later something will have to be done
  20. i do wonder what it would take for people to say enough is enough Muslims raping children by the thousands Muslims targeting young girls in Manchester These two things alone should have been enough how bad could it get
  21. There's still a few missing.. Can only think they were close to the Muslim terroist when the bomb went of
  22. And how many more Manchester will happen with a terrorist appeasers at the helm
  23. They reckon between 3-4 thousand fanatics with several hundred just back from fighting abroad Not forgetting the thousands who will agree and think attacks like this are justified.... Think it was estimated at over 200,000
  24. You shits have had your time..... New there was a master plan by the dirty muslims
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