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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. Why does it matter if he uses an alias.... The main thing is he's speaking out against what's happening
  2. I've never like this sort of thing where people live their life through the media..... The expressions on their faces change as soon as the cameras stop rolling It reminds me of the Mc Canns
  3. If people are going to have the exclusive right to choose then it must apply on the flip side.... Abortion and the right to die or to refuse treatment like the johovas
  4. Its just many people detest anything to do with those dirty animals.... Muslims
  5. another muslim thread.... Another pointless post
  6. his sister played Dennis sister in Auf petLiked jimmy nail Val Mclane she was also in when the boat comes in
  7. Met Winsor Davies years ago when on holiday in Devon Used to stand with ant and Dec on the old Galogate end before they became famous Jimmy nail several times as I live next to his sister a small time actress
  8. Reportedly and claimed says the left leaning independent
  9. That's what the carerers say.. Parents expect a baby to screem fill its nappy etc But teens to adult its not the same and many can't cope
  10. I've always been of the opinion that severely brain damaged children should be allowed to die Only yesterday I was working in a house where 2 severely disabled adults live.... It's one of those houses where they have live in 24 hour care Both of them in their 30s and just lying on the floor howling.... Absolute nothing there unable to do anything Carer said it's very rare the parents visit
  11. Never ever trust anyone whos Muslim.... It's going to be them But which ones Best advice my grandad gave me 35years ago
  12. Its terrible news but I think it was going to far Children just like him are dying of terrible illnesses every day
  13. It's time people stopped trying to claim they're not racist and just say yes I am
  14. There have been many cases of historical child abuse and they deserve everything they get..... But it doesn't take away from the fact that Muslim grooming gangs were and are still operating up and down the uk I would presume most pedophiles know it wrong but can the same be said for the Pakis where father sons uncles friends all get together to abuse children as it seems part of their culture
  15. i see corbyn won the vote today to end the public pay cap
  16. imagine if it was like this in sport lots of people say boxer A will be knocked out in the first Boxer A gets knocked out in the 12th Boxer A claims victory
  17. You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here. i think there on about michael howard who won 33 seats but resigned because it was a failure but corbyn only won 30 i think.something like that Kinnock won 271 seats and resigned
  18. the number of poles around me seams to have dropped dramatically in recent years.......a few years ago i had landlords with squads of them living in properties Most the builders i bumped into on a daily business were poles but in recent years it has reversed back to British workers Still shit loads of lazy scrounging workshy Romanians and Bulgarians around
  19. You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more
  20. Unbelievable.... Just had a minutes silence on radio 1 for the Finsbury attack
  21. Being reported a baby has been found alive in the tower..... True????
  22. A place I try not to visit Newcastle West end.... Utter shit hole of immigrants
  23. Has Corbyn turned up yet
  24. I would say it's the Sensible thing to do.... What is the point arguing with someone who you will never agree with you all just love the battle Not me.... I stopped replying to DB a while ago as there was no point
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