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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. No one can stop the immigration as long as we're part of the EU they won't allow Have to wait and see what the final deal is on leaving
  2. That shows how bad the debt was... The tories have made cuts after cuts but the debt goes up I wonder what the debt would have been now if Brown had won. 10x
  3. Your missing my point, I don't trust them but they are better than corbyn and Abbott sometimes it's better the devil you know. That's how I see it.... They all screw you But under a Corbyn led labour party it will be like being the main attraction at a man dingo party
  4. The debt the country has at the moment will be nothing Compared to the spending spree labour plan... The money can only come from taxing those that work Look at the state the last Labour government left us in I don't know what its like for others but under the tories as someone who runs my own business Im better off
  5. No so much labour winning but a labour party with Corbyn at the helm Take us back 40 years Bankrupt the country Hit Britain's who try hard for a better life in favour of scroungers What we have now is not that bad compared to what he would do
  6. Don't vote.... Corbyn wins then we really will have problems and something to complain about Labour have a following where it doesn't matter what they do they will vote regardless
  7. I voted tory as a labour party under Corbyn.... Well I never want to see a country ruled by him
  8. The thread should still be there......Everyone remember the mass sexual assault on new years eve in Germany When you tried to defend them by claiming there was only 1 rape and most the others were robberies
  9. I don't think many are bothered that this group was banned.... It's the way people with his type of view go on I remember the thread on mass new years eve rape and sexual assaults in Germany by immigrant muslims... He defended them by claiming it was normal for amount of people there
  10. Possession of a document Likely to be useful to a person preparing to commit an act of terroism I wonder what happened to the 55000 uk Muslims who downloaded the terror manual
  11. Why, what is it about that ideology that offends you ?.........is it the nationalism or the socialism ?What I find distasteful is that the nazis were defeated at great cost. Yet, some silly sods, whos grandparents were likely part of that fight, think it ok to go around giving nazi salutes and saying things like 'hitler was right' It's just not British. Maybe people are being driven to the Neo nazism because of the route the country is taking..... Something pushed the Germans towards it
  12. No as there's far bigger threats out there like Muslim terrorism and groups like antifa who are attacking and murdering thousands
  13. Its a shame the left aren't so passionate about genuine terrorists that actually kill people... Maybe lives could have been saved Its silence or excuse after excuse..... They must sit praying the right wing do something so they can jump on it
  14. You've shown support for antifaWhere and when have I done that then? And they're not a proscribed terror organisation anyway American authorities label them domestic terrorists So you don't support then and obviously condemning what they do
  15. Doesn't this also apply to you.... With the silly little left wing thugs you support
  16. Funny that a labour lover would find this digracefull Just shows the mindset When it comes to antifa or Muslim pedophile gangs.... Support and cover up from labour
  17. Out of interest what terrorist atrocities has this group carried out Bunch of arseholes giving nazi salutes these days = terrorists I think we all know who the Real terrorist are
  18. Corned beef and bombay mix
  19. jacknife


    Funny how they use an all white dog as the main picture
  20. That's if there is fake Deben out there
  21. I have a set of deben ear defenders that has what sounds like a tuning fork in one ear Think I paid about £70 new for them on eBay... I have come the conclusion that they are fakes
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