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Rabbits hunting

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Everything posted by Rabbits hunting

  1. So will I just leave her the way she is or will I get her served
  2. He said she was broke before and didn't get her served is it a good idea to get her served now mate
  3. I got a Jill the other day but the man who I got her of said she's broke the day before I got her would it be good to get her served or just let her go thanks
  4. She outa season about two weeks but She's all swollen lup again will I tell him to try and get her served again
  5. Yeah she all swollen up he was trying to get on her and she won't let him maybe take a while
  6. She's nat showing anything hasn't changed size
  7. Happy days and will I just leave him in for a few days or how do u no she serve
  8. Just looking a bit of advice my friend has a Jill and she is broke down and I'm just looking to no when is she ready to get served
  9. My friend had a Jill got her served about 4half weeks ago but she hasn't put on any weight or nat showing anything she pregant
  10. I'm gona try up round co Antrim area and hopefully I get a nice we spot or to go thanks
  11. Just wondering how many kits can a Jill have in one go
  12. Thanks destroyed ill try that and hope I've a bit of luck
  13. I was lookn on the net but it seems that the mk3 is a better finder and I would rather spend the extra few pound if its the better job
  14. Thanks ill go a drive and hopefully I get a few we spots to go
  15. WAt do u mean it time for an outcrossing gnipper
  16. I'm in the proses of buying a finder and I was looking on the net and the deben mk 3 receiver seems to be ok what's it like anybody no thanks
  17. Thanks I was going to go a drive and walk a few fields and see if it sets me in the right direction would that be a good idea
  18. Somebody told him that they would come out deformed is this true
  19. Oh [BANNED TEXT] but I was looking for someone to give me a exact spot to go to ferreting I'n mid September if anybody can help me
  20. My mate has too ferret a mother and a son the mother has broke and he thinks that the dog has serve her and the problem is it her son what should he do
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