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Everything posted by Whiskey

  1. Have got a few patterns out of an old book lol see how mine turn out
  2. Howdy people just a quik one any advice on pike flys found a nice spot tipping whit them gunner give them a go with fly rod
  3. If you getting a bull x its not for rabbits lol so wouldn't be that botherd about size you get a fox in 40 50 yards its game over nods
  4. My salukie whippet grey bulit proof I run him on out and at out lol if it get a bit off damage on one bit do the rest pal
  5. The fella that thought me to snair could call them in and a man called giddy one call one I and shot it with a catty lol
  6. Go to the land of the bull x mate they breed some guduns
  7. Cheers think al get the lad a clulite they just looked ok for the brass thank again
  8. Any you lads using one these lamp and what ya think looks a descent bit off kit for the money
  9. Been up to see a mate to day old school fella he's fox mad he won't even run any uther animal lol he said he had a small bitch for a catch dog years ago but to stop here getting smashed up he sliped his big dog to finish is and gave me a big long letchure and story's of foxing 3 cups off coffe later I get the idea ffs lol I don't run them any more 333 out the car window if farmer wants them off big ears my drug and am addicted lol 30 year habit lol
  10. i seen it pal gedeges blue I could run one off my dogs and a pure staff think people making excuses for 2 half decent dogs to be honest
  11. Sorry nar I wouldn't run a dog on any thing it couldn't do how many bites that fox took to die under a hedge better dead than dieing in my book any animal my opinion
  12. Seems pointless a dog that can catch one but not smash it and a dog that can't catch it that dose breed the two together ? Wtf it's like having two dog on a hare one to do the running one for the damege I'd get laffed off the fens I seen a whippet salukie murder fox pre ban it not the breed its the nackers day in day out fox dog need to be fast enough plenty off power and hate the red feckers one of my salukies did them now bother but he dident have the tool for a full on fox dog sorry I don't get it
  13. I got a pack off blocks for 20 and built it like that then a woods and morrisons fence mesh front lol and av got a wagon diesel night heater fecking dog won't come out les I got food or a lead
  14. Serves the greese twat right lol you play with the bull ya get the horn lol
  15. While we're on it am setting my lad up ferreting got all is tackle no for is bday but with the ferrets can I keep two Jill together and wtf is the bringing the Jill out off season I need a hob two lol my house be like a zoo
  16. Spot on keeping ya word with the lad mate would off dun the same
  17. lol yes fell ya can't have every thing lol and I never put weight on lol
  18. lol am looky mate she comes fishing lamping coursing gives me beer money and sends me to the pub walks the dog the lot BUt she can't cook for shit lol
  19. Daytime on permission on legal stuff but I wouldn't take a yapper lamping or coursing but I never had one lol touch wood give it a chance or my by leave it off game for a month or two you not running it with a nother dog are you seen a few yapp in feer or frustration with a more experience dog
  20. I got sooty Sam blood in one my coursing dogs but never seen the dog could of had sooty and sweep in him as long as he catches nods
  21. When it got hold all I could think was its in the fecking bone lol now wonder bunnys Balt was saying to my sun sure you don't want a terrier on the way home lol but him and the miss are red hot on the idea think its some thing we will all get out and enjoy I been taking him lamping and coursing since he was in the buggie so he's a good head on him my uther 3 boys into different thing so he like my mate two
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