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Everything posted by Whiskey

  1. i got striker used it twise lol like my clulght
  2. never had jacker but had bitch fastest fittest dog iv had but! would she f2ck jump use to send me insane
  3. Hmmm I run salukie x s because there super intelligent fantastic recall skills and good for ratting lololol you never been coursing bro ?
  4. I got a salukie x grey hound collie x grey back to salukie whippet grey hound take any thing he's mad as a brush thow lol
  5. For one am against summer hares and lamped hares for two I run my dogs hard in the season day and night to run them in summer would fxck them up you being pest control like me must have rifle nets snairs traps nods
  6. Right next stop b&q lol best start making him a hutch he commanderd my long nets my old striker lamp box of my snairs lol setting up his corner of the shed my terrier thinks he off out lerchers seen the lamp wtf Bedlem thanks for all yor replies
  7. Cheers people very helpfull
  8. one my collie x sat here now 13 years and she was my right arm realy ! so would love to see some pics o whippet collies but my be a beddy x lol wtf is is bday comlng up so this harder than picking a coursing dog
  9. them the two i been thinking of i got some good salukie x greyhound x whippet grey but ferreter they ant lol but have had some shit hot collie xs never seen a beddy cross work but here good things
  10. whats you think good small cross for ferreting setting my boy up + stop him sneeking out my dogs out sure the keeper discribed my dogs uther day lol any way was gunner get him a collie x like i started with but the miss wont have a nouth big ish dog my two still doing the big rabbits nods lol but i all ways course or lamped but and am realy getting in to ferreting so i get the ferret he gets is dog we out the way miss gets to watch corrie so any info on we whippet x would be great
  11. First of hello all ! am a dog man been running dogs all my life but never realy fancied ferriting but been watching a few vidios and my lad after a ferriet so thort why not can some one tell me the minimum takle al need to get going cheers
  12. Howdy people just registers thort I'd introduce my self good morning
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