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lurcher lad

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Everything posted by lurcher lad

  1. got a bitch the same cross as yours and put my colliegrayhound x wippet over her, the pups made good lamping & ferreting dogs
  2. bedlington wippet/colliegreyhound i think
  3. what do you need to make one very intrested
  4. my lurcher has caught a pigeon
  5. had the same problem with my lurcher just went back to throwing the dummy that sorted the problem out
  6. lurcher lad


    to make it stand, you wet it to make it wet, you suck it to make it stiff, you lick it to get it in you push it threading a needle went you get older is no joke
  7. i got cheep 1 million candel spot light lamp from netto for a £5 and got 2 12v 7amp battries of a mate and riged them both up they last for about 10hours
  8. its got the name of the show but pics wont come up on my computer will you put them up on here if you can cheers
  9. what is the name of that website with the pic of the show
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