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Everything posted by Alsone

  1. Yeah but wood he live long enough to make it to court?
  2. Very strange. For some reason the HMR part of my post disappeared! HMR - flatter shooting and effective out to 200 yds. Much greater carcass destruction due to fragmenting bullet, greater energy, hyper velocity, and hydrostatic shock so headshots only if intended for the table. Effective rabbit stopper. Fragmentation makes ricochet virtually unheard of. Noiser than .22 when moderated. Both rounds will stop foxes at close distance.
  3. .22 good stopper due to heavier bullet but limited range with quite a wide ballistic curve so a lot of bullet drop and prone to ricochets especially as the bullet can pass all the way through. Doesn't destroy carcass as bullet stays together and mushrooms. Mostly used at yards or less. Can be near silent when moderated. Either calibre very effective against rabbits.
  4. What permission form are you using? I'd be careful with some eg BASC one doesn't mention any permission to bring anyone else along with you thus potentially leaving shooting companions open to prosecution for armed tresspass. Some I've seen don't mention that termination must be in writing and by registered post. (The latter is necessary to stop you being prosecuted if ther'es a problem involving the police and the landowner suddenly turns around and says he's terminated permission. Verbally he can say what he likes,but by registered post and in writing he will have to show that h
  5. Nice video and some very clean kills.
  6. Nice shooting but you won't be selling those!
  7. One thing you could do if you find it too much with the Hornady tips is try the jacketed 20 gr. Might cause less damage. Not seen them used so can't comment on the relative killing / destructive power, I'm sure others can. However. I see no problem even with the damage you're showing with headshot. As others have said, its totally humane which is the main consideration in my book.
  8. Yep 10 yards isn't a big gap and as Ruby said a cyclist could be int he centre of the gap in a second at speed. @ Beast, I got the impression you had a heated exchange. If you were really polite with a steady on and he got abusive, then he is a real c*ck. No need for that. If I ever found myself in that situation, I'd have been apologising profusely and thinking long and hard how I could avoid the problem repeating. Then again I'd like to think I'd never get in that situation as I'd never fire towards to across a path in the 1st place! I'd rather not take a shot than risk an accident.
  9. Learn something new everyday, I wasn't aware that for the purpose of that Act, it only included highways for use by vehicles. I'll post it as a pinned thread when I have two minutes Yeah I didn't have a clue. Might be an idea to host or link the BASC pdf. I couldn't find a link through Yahoo that worked directly.
  10. From the BASC PDF I linked to, some extracts: BUT : I've not copied the full document here as its not fair to the BASC although I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Maybe the mods could downnload and host the document as a sticky at the top of this forum as its a useful reference. As an aside to the law, I still think a firearms licencsing officer would take a dim view of shooting across a footpath without ensuring it was safe to do so and this could result in a warning and for repeat offences a revocation. Remember to hold a licence he has to be satisfied that you
  11. Yeah pick a quiet time to walk in. Should be ok though as the body is what the butcher is interested in. Its better a destroyed head than damaged meat or a piece of lead lurking in the body. At least this way the butcher can be confident the meat is all "clean".
  12. SACS are spot on. 26-30 quid a year is nothing....when you look at the amount of weight "im fully insured for up to 10million pounds public liability" holds. the way the world is now.... youd be daft not to be insured for any form of fieldsport.... I agree £26-30 is reasonable. I'd still pay that. Trouble is BASC membership is now £66! It was £30 when I previously had membership.
  13. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hRX9rhRSmIAFMZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBybjFrcjVnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=131i7dhk0/EXP=1371104983/**http%3a//www.basc.org.uk/download.cfm/docid/8201D2D3-E4B1-4333-B24BA94A9790765C Explains all. Only an Offence in very limited circumstances although there are Civil Law considerations. Your Local Firearms Officer may take a different view with regards to his certificate though if he thought he was a danger to .......others...
  14. BASC were good to me on a SC application with advice. That said, they're very expensive now - £66. What do they think we are, all landed gentry? I consider £30 per year expensive! I personally wouldn't want to pay more than £2 per month for insurance and services I'm very unlikely to to need or use.
  15. I'm guessing he's jesting or means a 440 can as opposed to a 200ml. For me, I could miss this one at that range! PS sorry its gone slightly off topic Paul. We're still on sniping skills but I guess less on your course. It sounds like you had a great day.
  16. You can get a marine Scout system for £5K or Accuracy International for around the same. There are also some AI guns here for less than £3K: http://www.sportingservices.co.uk/rifle_offers.asp One other thing to remember, its also down to the shooting skills as much as the gun. I'm a great fan of this guys videos, not sure what he was, ex military but I suspect Marine Scout Sniper or similar. He's an awesome shot and gives some great product advice in his sniper series of 42 videos. He even factors the earths rotation and ambient temperature into his calculations! This g
  17. That's good. I just wondered because I've never ever seen a rifle chambered for it for sale in the UK, even amongst the "sniper rifles".
  18. Don't know if this helps but... http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/248728-the-new-nite-eye-500-lr-long-range-vs-ns200/
  19. You want .338 Lapua Magnum if you want the ultimate in long distance calibres. Only thing is I'm not sure its available to civilians in the UK (you'd have to check). This is the same calibre that a Sniper Corpral in the Household Cavalry used to make a double confirmed kill in Afganistan at a range of 2,707 yards or 1.54 miles!! http://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/2010/05/brit-sniper-makes-double-kill-at-1-54-miles-with-338-lapua-mag/
  20. No it does not have .22 hornet performance, 20 grain bullet at 3000 fps compared to a 35 grain bullet at 3100fps you do the maths According to the info released so far: Apart from the heavier bullet they're almost identical in energy at 250 yards and the .17 WSM substancially outperforms the .22 Hornet for velocity. The .17 WSM also outperforms the .22 Hornet for both bullet drop and windage by a factor of 2X at many ranges. So lets put some figures out there from here: This source-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Uno5EUyhH3c#! Velocity vs Bu
  21. The tests are relevent in so far as this is a new rimfire round coming out and so it makes sense to compare it back to back to with the existing .22 and .17HMR. There are a lot of people interested in this little round as potentially its a game changer for rimfire: - .22 Hornet CF performance in a .17 rimfire package. As for the actual tests, well if you request them to repeat the test with ballistic gel then maybe we can have a more scientific look at it. Unfortunately, I didn't produce the videos or the tests.
  22. Yeah it just tears it to death painfully at the end. Far better.... Why do you try to turn everything into guns vs dogs? This isn't the what's your longest shot or dog chase and kill, its the longest clean shot thread.
  23. ..and another one that shows the damage difference even better:
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