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Everything posted by Alsone

  1. Blimey. That's where I went wrong. I must have forgotten to put the mod on. Definitely modded both times and definitely a difference, but not a massive one. Maybe my HV are very quiet ones. Never come across quiet HV's. The time my friend put some HV's through his Finfire the difference was like night and day. The Winchester subs, were quieter than my air rifle, just a rush of air really not even an audible bang. By contrast the HV's we put through, echoed off the hills 1-2 miles away and round the valley 2 or 3 times. very loud to the point where you wouldn't even kn
  2. Nah. Don't have an FAC. Besides in my county for fox, you have to have CF, usually .223 min, even on 1st grant. For the numbers of rabbits I shoot, I'd probably use a .223 as an all round gun. If numbers became an issue, then yep I'd take a HMR as a 2nd gun over a .22 any day, unless I was shooting near housing at night. A few cracked cases and for some it becomes the devils spawn. Personally I don't see it. The superior range make the HMR a very nice little tool for small pest control. Every calibre has an achilles heal and .22 is far from perfect - low power, limited range and a tend
  3. Subs. If you put HV's in the .22 it's loud, in which case you might as well step up to a HMR. I personally see very little use for HV's unless you want to shoot fox in which case it gives you a little more power.
  4. Yeah something is wrong because it doesn't ring true as being down to the location. My friends shoot is on the edge of a village and 300m x 200m in total and almost totally flat with roads within approx 1/2 mile on 3 sides, not to mention housing.
  5. That has to be the most ridiculous refusal I've ever heard. You simply shoot away from the pub. More likely the police didn't want patrons phoning them every time they saw someone with a gun! I'd have appealed that.
  6. From BASC, published Jan: http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/wml-gl04_tcm6-24149.pdf http://basc.org.uk/blog/key-issues/2014-general-licences-basc-update-2/
  7. I'm pretty sure digital dashes are reset via a laptop through the OBDII data port which means having each manufacturers diagnostic software as most after market software has lots of features locked out. I know when the AA came out to look at an issue on my car, they couldn't even read some of the engine data for that reason, nevermind make changes. BTW, all mileages are now recorded by the DVLA at every MOT and most dealers record them at every service so any discrepancy is easily picked up. Just making you aware, not accusing.
  8. Always a risk with back surgery. One slip and you're paralysed. That said, many people have successful back surgery on discs (it's technically a bulge not a slipped disc), and they're then fine. This is what a "slipped" (bulging) disc really is: As you can see the disc is bulging and pressing against the nerves (yellow). The surgeon has to cut the protrusion away from the nerves and so you can see how vulnerable the nerves are to a single slip. That said most surgeries are completely successful but if you happen to be the one the surgeon slips on then... I know tha
  9. Alsone


    The gentleman in question should have phoned the RSPCA and reported the incident to them, wonder how long it would have taken the RSPCA to arrive at the scene for a genuine animal that was suffering Whereas you're probably right I'm sure it's not the method that gives right to a prosecution but the suffering. Isn't the offence of causing unnecessary suffering? Surely if you coshed it with a matchstick, if it died instantly from a single strike, it wouldn't be an offence, although in the absence of any proof, you'd be one the back foot with that one with the onus on you to prove t
  10. Alsone


    why the fook do you think there's an auction going on at the minute, a case needs to be won to set a precedence So far as I've been aware Paulus, the auction is to fund a prosecution for animal cruelty / neglect. I wasn't aware that any separate challenge to the right to take the dog in the 1st place was going to be made as that's much wider than just this case, and especially as I rather suspect they may actually possess the right to seize without proof in which case its not so much a challenge that's needs as a change in the law by the government. BTW if you're wondering why
  11. Alsone


    I don't see how they can seize your dogs anyway without any proof of wrong doing? 1. From what you said, there doesn't appear to be any allegation of mistreatment 2. The dogs themselves don't constitute evidence - you can't examine a dog and determine it's been used for illegally chasing animals 3. There appears to be no proof from what you said, beyond a mere (possibly anonymous) allegation that the dogs have been used in any criminal activity So what grounds do they have for seizing the dogs in the 1st place? You can't seize people's property to prevent a crime that might
  12. Especially as 7.62mm would go straight through the side of the pipe if the shot wasn't dead straight.
  13. +1. Whatever rifle you select, definitely take a look here: www.boydsgunstocks.com I also 2nd the Sako recommendation if you're prepared to pay a lot more. Personally, I'd consider a stainless barrel. Unfortunately that rules out a CZ, but stainless has the advantage of being less maintenance heavy plus it looks great with a good laminate stock! BTW a friend of mine has a Browning A Bolt and they really rate it. Can't comment on the T Bolt. Not sure if any of that helps but I guess what I'm saying is you shouldn't go far wrong with Sako, Anshultz, CZ or Browning. They'r
  14. Alsone


    Not seen Rees advice (there are a lot of pages in fairness). I can't immediately see why asking the police to investigate would compromise a private prosecution as most private prosecutions come as a result of a refusal by the police or CPS to pursue a case following investigation even though there is some evidence of wrong doing. However, if you have legal advice to the contrary from a specialist in this area, then you should follow it.
  15. Alsone


    Something else to do, ring the Police Headquarters for your area and tell them you wish to speak to the Chief Constable (you won't get him but..). Then inform who ever you do get in a senior position about your complaint, the evidence and that fact the local police are refusing to investigate. Insist that something is done and if necessary inform them you're going to file an official complain with the Police Complaints Commission and go to the press if action isn't taken.
  16. Alsone


    Have you reported this to Baroness Ann Mallalieu? She's a pro country sports Labour MP, QC and President of The Countryside Alliance? She might even offer he services free or at reduced cost. You should also bring to her attention the other report on here about the farmer being reportedly told by the RSPCA Officer that she faced a £500 fine if she allowed a shooter to lamp her farm at night because it was illegal. Thread here post # 526: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/60736-fox-shooting-gallery/page-36
  17. Don't know if this helps but Uttings Guns have done a back to back testing of most popular moderators on a range in both .22 subs, mini mags and HMR and rated them: On .22 Order of merit (purely on sound moderation): Stated to be way ahead of others: Ase Utra Scores 10 Swift Stumpy Scores 9.5 Others: Hushpower Bobcat Scores 8 Swift Nightingale Score not mentioned but said to be similar to Bobcat Scirrocco II Sco
  18. If you can get a CF grant from your force, (if you're a 1st time applicant (should be no issue if not)), then it looks a good round. Having the same ballistics as .223, certainly makes life easier if you also shoot .223 when it comes to holding over / under. Having said that, unles you reload, price is about the same as .223 so have to question the value in not just getting the .223.
  19. Cases are 50% thicker than HMR. Then again pressures are 33,000psi. Only the odd report seen around the web. I can't verify if they are true or not.
  20. In rimfire, that's where .17 WSM potentially comes in as it's very wind resistant. Unfortunately you still can't get it over here to my klnowledge and there are one or two reports of similar ammo issues to the HMR ie cracked cases during production.
  21. I think before we get too much anti against it, it's worth remembering that it does have a place. .22lr is range limited and many other rifles are too powerful for rabbits. The Hornet is one round that can fill the gap so long as you head shoot as with the HMR, but it is overkill on small game and unless you reload its far more expensive to shoot and it's worth remembering not everyone can get CF at 1st grant. I wouldn't buy a .22LR unless I needed silence as I hate the round's increased tendancy to ricochet when compared to fragmenting ammunition.
  22. I agree entirely, both have their Achilles heals.
  23. Great video Elliot and shows the advantage of the HMR over .22 LR.
  24. Don't know which you have in mind, but I must admit I'm very partial to a Fluted Stainless Barrel myself. Stainless is less hassle and looks the dogs especially with a laminate. Those who want synthetic with blued barrels to look like police snipers can have them for me. Laminate stainless all the way!
  25. Actually it's my bad on the pricing - they'e $99 not £, so cheaper at around £60!! I like nutmeg but admit pepper looks nice also especially with stainless.
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