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Everything posted by Tornado1979

  1. After putting 60 rounds through the new P8 on the .223 I thought I'd give it a clean, I stripped it all down and then wasn't 100% sure of best method or cleaning products to use. I ended up giving it a wipe over with some copper solvent and attacked with an old tooth brush, then cleaned off with some degreaser and finished off by wiping with some ballistol. Couldn't find the website for advise, but I'm sure you kind people will point me in the right direction
  2. I'll check it out tomorrow, and failing that drop them an email, cheers mate
  3. Thanks for info mate, very impressed with it for money, I've been trying to work out what model and year it is, I've read several posts but still not 100%, it's got several numbers etc if you have any idea mate Serial = 21446 Two letters nr markings = NP And 3 random numbers = 719 not sure if any of the above means anything ?
  4. Cheers for info mate, i'll have to 24 / 28 gr next time I go shop, I found I had better results with the 6s, but need a good day out with it
  5. Had land checked on a new permission this week so was up about this morning equipped with the Anchutz for a bit of rabbit action, when I pulled up the owner greeted me on his driveway and after a little chat I got straight to it, walked about 15yards and was presented by my first rabbit sat in middle of the field, pulled trigger and watched it drop..... Went back to car 2 minutes later to save carrying it about and owner said bloody hell your not messing about, haha how lucky was that now I look like a real pro Anyway I walked permission getting another 3 rabbits, one was behind a tree w
  6. Haha I've been same this morning only problem is now which gun to take out lol, started off with rimfire then went home and switched for shotgun had a quality morning Got my first pigeon with second shot, first one was a miss on bolting rabbit
  7. Mainly pigeon / crow decoying mate, I'm just stuck what to do now, meant to be out with Rimmy tomorrow early doors clearing some bunnies, but fancy testing new toy out lol
  8. Cheers mate, hoping to get out tomorrow for a bit
  9. I've had my SGC a while but I've been saving for a half decent one, or attempting too whilst I've been adding bits to my rifles each month, This week I've give into the temptation and grabbed a cheap O/U to get me started, in the local RFD the Miroku felt the best up to my shoulder so went for one of these. It's a very old one but still in good condition with 1/4 1/2 fixed choke, not sure what model though? And I wasn't 100% sure what cartridge to go for so grabbed a few boxes of number 5 and number 6 32gr to test, hopefully do me for the odd bit off decoying and bit of rough shooting
  10. Trust you Walshie mate haha I'm actually 6ft 2" so it's not due to my size lol
  11. Been looking at the one in bush wear for £199 mate nice and light
  12. Well looks like I might have to purchase an high seat in near future just had a new permission checked by FEO and he's passed the land for rimfire but .223 and .243 from elevated position only, which I totally agree with. Not like Nottighamshire FEO sticking condition for rimfire on land with large back stop, still confused.com. South Yorkshire FEO is very good and has full understanding, can't fault him at all ?
  13. Just fitted a wildcat P8 to my tikka T3 super varmint .223 ?
  14. It's prostaff 3-9x50 and depending on price I'm after one for prostaff 3-9x40 too. Sorry about delayed reply just seen it mate ?
  15. I'm looking for a sun shade for my Nikon scope, there's loads online but nothing for the Nikon, do you know if Hawke or Leupold ones will fit ?? or can any point me in the right direction ??
  16. wouldn't want to give you info unless I was 100% mate, I'm sure someone with experience with BSA will assist you, failing that I'd call local gunsmith or dealer
  17. Not 100% sure mate, but if you've got a rail under the block should be ok, mines been loads better since lowering and looks loads better ?
  18. Quickest response I've had mate, well chuffed, posted about 20 so not bad going
  19. whoops wrong section, could someone please move :whistling:
  20. Thought id have a few hour posting a few of my business cards / flyers yesterday, it's been a while, this morning I received a phone call and the gentleman wants me to sort vermin out on 60 acres of fields + surrounding woodland (it never use to be this easy) I went to meet and had a good old chat, I might learn a few things from him, he's been shooting across his land since he was a lad, he's now 85 and retired so he's looking for someone to assist, he's got several rifles / shotguns and use to run some shoots back in the day, which he's now sold on. The best thing about this land tha
  21. I created a website several years ago when I got married so guests could RSVP and select menu ect thick I payed £36 and then had to renew every 6 months so not an expensive option either. Glad this method works for you mate, a lot of my permissions don't have phone lines never mind internet access lol so I'd of had a long wait in my local area.
  22. Hopefully mate, I'm sure the mrs wouldn't mind me upgrading rifles in the future for Venison on the table ? But for now rabbit it is haha
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