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Everything posted by Tornado1979

  1. HW100 KT .22, FSB (fully shrouded barrel), Hawke Airmax EV 3-9x40 AO Recticle Map 6, two Piece medium 25mm scope mounts, Weihrauch Silencer (fsb model), Bisley Charging bottle 3 Litre (450bar), Weihrauch deluxe gun slip + Buffalo River gun slip std size, two 14 shot mags, all boxed + instructions only put two tins of pellets through it, not a mark on it £780 for full set up. Doncaster, Rossington.
  2. Nice one Kev mate, we seen a hare knocking about too, and the lad I go out with only goes when it rains good job I've got a bald head haha never took ya as a baldy mark lol bit of rain and slight wind are the best nights mate ya can't keep me in when its like that but i wouldn't dare go out in the rain with my n550 its only water resistant witch is feking stupid most of the english hunting season is in wet weather ya will like it though mark when you have a go of mine pal i was hooked as soon as i had a go of my pals Looking forward to it Kev mate but not like I could afford o
  3. Yes your correct and she didn't like it, but I always rub it down with ballistol oil when I get home, it was first time I've taken my baby out in rain too so spent a hour buffing when I got home
  4. Wow 7:32 hours your arms must be massive lol, I had about 4 hours and was starting to struggle so we called it a night. Totally agree with filters, I had yellow last night and was only picking sheep's eyes up, we both ended up using my friends red which projects a massive red box, looks like a 60" plasma blasting rounf field and the rabbits don't even flinch, mine was like a stobe light scaring everything off for 3 miles. I had my wellies on last night and for extra comfort I put some old nike air in soles in them, they was like slippers Like you said on my post, good to see I'm n
  5. Totally agree mate, just not good when your with someone with a .22LR he gets shots first due to distance, any eyes which we spotted were all over 50+ yards and before I had chance to stalk it was dead
  6. Nice one Kev mate, we seen a hare knocking about too, and the lad I go out with only goes when it rains good job I've got a bald head haha
  7. Well I finished work at 19:00 and checked my phone, I had a missed call from a friend and after returning the call he fancied a random night out lamping (on a school night??), I turned a night down last week so had to go, I'm learning so much from him each night I go out, so I agreed and then had the dreaded call to the wife whilst on my route home "don't bother with any tea babe I'm off out with gun for a few hour"..... Yes you guessed right she was not impressed and the call soon ended. anyway my master turned up just has I was switching from work uniform to camo gear, but I was straight
  8. Just looking at CZ452 which model is best all rounder then ?, from what I can see it's the "american" but i've also seen Varmint and style models, all very good prices
  9. Agreed semi autos are not too hot but since when are all Annie's semi autos? A ba Annie is superior in build quality to a ba cz (I own the cz) The lad I go out with uses BA Annie, not semi auto version.
  10. Taken advice on board, been looking at the CZ452 ill keep looking about but defo looks like bolt action.
  11. All the reviews i've read for 10/22 are very good so was suprised with comments about it jamming, i'll be doing some digging before jumping in though, thanks for info.
  12. Nice shooting mate and like others have mentioned Niceeeeeee stock
  13. I'll have to check them out again, was looking at these but lad I go out with said they are prone for jamming ?!?! saying that he thinks everything is rubbish with the exception of Anshcutz (his baby) haha.
  14. I've been browsing through .22LR rifles online ready for once my ticket arrives in nr future. I've been out with a friend several times and he swears by the Anshcutz but I've taken a liking to the Ruger 10/22 sporter, be good if any of you could provide me with any further info with either of these rifles pros' / cons which could help me select the best one for me.
  15. Does your FAC not state words to the effect.. ........ on land passed as suitable by the Chief Officer of Police.................. I've not applied yet mate need to sort gun safe out first.
  16. Thanks a lot walshie sorry to be pain in backside, How do they decide who has open ticket and closed ?
  17. Cheers Kev, just confused... before you get FAC you have to have land passed to make sure it safe etc, but after that I'm not sure if they trust your judgement or your only allowed to shoot on the permission you have at time you applied for License.
  18. When I apply for my FAC in future and the land I've got permission on is passed for .22LR, what happens if I got another permission do I have to re-apply ? Just trying to fully understand the process, I've understood majority but just confused with this section
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