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Everything posted by kean91

  1. Was doing great roy.. injured at the moment facing a 10 month rest as its a hock injury but fingers crossed he will be ok.
  2. is that out razor? aye snoop beauty eh? haha
  3. blaze 20months old, 27"tts took pic couple of days ago.
  4. kean91


    good luck
  5. this is mines.. doing the job no real problems yet just a few minor injuries. atb dan
  6. couple from earlier rolling about in shite before i took the pics lol
  7. i took the pup out got 1 straight away only out for half an hour so not bad atb for the season dan
  8. just read they cant enter without your consent also they can only get in with the police present and a warrant, atb dan
  9. my brothers bull was the same but he walked through fields with sheep 2-3 days a week yanking at the lead when she pulled towards them, now she wont chase them hope this helps atb dan.
  10. think ur pretty much spot on with the age thing mines 8 months coming along well, deaf when he sees other people and dogs but again hes just a pup lol, atb
  11. took this last season on a bubble float and stickleback.
  12. cheers mate, only problem so far is trying to get him to jump man, any tips ?
  13. cheers guys, john russel how far lol ?
  14. this is my pup at 7months. just hit 25"tts.
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