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mad matt

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Everything posted by mad matt

  1. and if that happens will kate then become queen
  2. mad matt


    im a bit confused in regards to all this royal talk there is three in line to be king now so who does that leave in line to be queen if Charlie is made king will Camilla be queen
  3. i got the book and read it have to say its a very good read
  4. who are the terrier judges this year
  5. yes I met dessie macken at a show myself
  6. did jim win any matchs on the fens with his dogs
  7. I heard he won a few comps in England and I believe his dogs was seldom beating in Ireland
  8. were jim youngs lurchers the best in Ireland and did he win most matchs he ran his dogs in when he brought them to England I hear he had very good dogs
  9. would you be a bit jealouse because there better at football than cork
  10. id sooner have them off the working bitch
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