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Everything posted by Hardfeather

  1. Feel for you mate there's some b*****ds about :realmad: hope you get her back real soon chris
  2. cheers for the replies never saw the parents was told whippet/collie/bedlington so I'll just have to go with that
  3. me f****n computer crashed :11: blasted thing I shall have to get mummy and daddy to purchase me a new one :11: like f**k!
  4. Well I dont think I'm a snob :11: and theres more like me old chap :11:
  5. Well I dont think I'm a snob :11: and theres more like me old chap :11:
  6. For every snobby c**t on a horse out hunting theres at least one normal bloke on a horse out hunting me being one of them,wether your landed gentry or man in the street you still have the right to hunt,the fact that the antis attacked foxhunting is because it was the most public way of doing it.JMO cheers chris
  7. Anne Widdecombe is a f*****g hag and thats putting it politely :realmad: :realmad: My mp or any from surrounding areas havent put their name to this thank god
  8. Took the pup out tonight,hardly needed the lamp as we're only a couple of days off a full moon but he's gotta get out sometime.I had to think twice about posting this as its only one rabbit but I thought feck it its his first (of many I hope) and he's only just a year old so there's plenty of time.Hopefully you'll see more posts of bigger bags as the season kicks in and he gets more experience.I'm happy with how he's coming on and thats what matters cheers all chris
  9. Get your coat on yer pulled! :11:
  10. Theres plenty of polecats in south cheshire where I used to live.Nice bitch can't see the saluki in her though I may be wrong here's my beddy/whippet looks the same sort of stamp,hope you have a good season with her theyre alot of fun these little pocket rockets lol
  11. Is it me or is Mort very very small............... f****d if I can see her
  12. Back in Black Back in black was the best album AC/DC ever did.................................................................since Bon Scott. Imo Bon was the very best, had an exeptional and unusual voice, unmistaken. Listen to Little lover on the high voltage LP. AC/DC since Back in black are no more than a pop group catering to the masses for money. MOLL. Both Bon and Brian were good but dare I say it I like Brian Your right Moll about the new (er) stuff, absoolute tosh Best songs; Back in Black, You shook me, Whole lotta Rosie, TNT, dirty deeds and highway to hell
  13. Well done countryman,nice little dog what size is it about19"? regards chris
  14. I'm afraid she has been done yes I didn't know lurcherbitch that well then and I wanted the dog pretty badly as I'd been waiting a while for the right one,now I do know her she's said if I insisted she'd have not got her done We knew where the bitch came from and her breeding despite her being a rescue so know for a fact she's a straight beddlington/whippet,a smooth one is rare but you can get them,the only thing that gives it away is she's got one whippet ear and one beddy ear and she's tiny,but a more relaxed easy dog to own you couldn't have apart from the fact you need a breakin
  15. Millets reckons she's harder mouthed than his bull cross :11: :11:
  16. I may be corrected but I'm sure Simon whithead told me once not to feed to many dead chicks something to do with the down irritating their digestive tract and he knows pretty much everything about the little fella's
  17. My whippet cross bitch is 19" she can jump but doesn't bother much as she fits under everything don't understand why these 19" and 20" dogs are putting the effort into jumping when they could prob fit under or through most places just a thought regards chris
  18. popped out for 1/2 an hour only saw three and got two of them,not a big bag by anyones standards but they all count and my freezers empty of ferret food,Only started the bitch last year not done much really she's a rescue of lurcherbitch but she's coming on good hunting all regards chris
  19. apologies Compo I misunderstood what you meant,Ditch shitter misrepresentation of field sports hasn't changed really even since bffs days but you still have to agree wether you feel they represented us or not they still got us 10 more years of doig what we want to do,legally that is jmo regards chris
  20. Blame the countryside alliance for the hunt ban if you like but just remember that hunting would have been banned at least a decade ago if it wasn't for the work they'd done,yes I agree they are old news now,we all thought they were going to save our beloved sports of varying types and in the end it didn't happen but we'd have been having this discussion a long time ago if it was still old BFSS days. regards chris
  21. I'm not doubting what you saw Moll but its pretty strange are you sure there weren't a few buzzards calling because they were mixed up in a mob of crows it seems more likely
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