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Everything posted by Hardfeather

  1. Used straw before but you do have to watch for the mites oat straw is best as its softer for the dogs I keep mine inside all the time now because of dog thefts etc and i use blankets from the charity shop cheap cheerful so doesnt matter if you need to chuck them cheers chris
  2. Theyre Birchen modern game bantams Joe 6 inches tall but the heart of a lion ask Millet :11: :11: :11:
  3. Nice to see all you lads having good nights out already,when I have a crap night I get a couple but you all get about a dozen Thats a good night for me :11:
  4. Yeah thats your boy the one that gave Millet a crack :11: :11: :11: And heres the hybrid pigeons that Millet likes (modern bantams)
  5. How long did it last for steve? I bought one form homebase once just for shutting the animals up and that but it stopped charging after a couple of months cant remember the make but it was yellow
  6. Hi all thought I'd put some pics of me birds up to lift the mood and give people something to look at some adults and some this years growers.hope you like them cheers chris
  7. Blood hell Fastdogz how do you manage to play cats cradle with baler twine you must have some maulers on yer
  8. Hardfeather


    :11: :11: :11: worth the wait colin
  9. What do you use for the front Joe? Cotton lol
  10. Millet and Molly you sly old dogs when did you both get hitched I thought you'd have invited me lol
  11. Hardfeather


    I think your cats pissed in your keyboard :11: :11: :11:
  12. I used to live on the isle of wight,lovely over there,no mink only otters,no grey squirrels only red,there were hitches though no deer,and they do have badgers an old boy told me they bought them over from the mainland to clear all the fox earths out when they got mange a good few years back regards chris
  13. Hardfeather

    Fox Hunting

    I used to live there for two years and I still can't bloody spell it
  14. Hardfeather

    Fox Hunting

    If you like running round fields dragging things behind you,you'd be better off with the berks and bucks draghounds based in lambourne
  15. Hardfeather

    Fox Hunting

    Who's you local pack?
  16. Should be twice yearly and she'll be broke down for about three weeks chris
  17. Who's that giving Genghis the rabbit then??? Nice marigolds Colin :11:
  18. Well done all,nice to see Ghengis catching some
  19. sounds expensive to me,do they need to come off now or can they wait till the end of the season never had it done myself as mine were taken off as pups but heard they take a while to heal
  20. These pups are 16 days now he asked what he should be giving over the next week or two,people are telling him to give meat etc to early in my opinion cheers chris
  21. Useful post mate Mines Daniel Kawczynski pretty pleased with what he's put his name to even EDM No 2422 MISS NORTHERN IRELAND! :11:
  22. Well done mate,good to see people starting to have some fun,keep em coming good hunting Chris
  23. Oh he picked it up and crunched f**k out of it,I'm hoping this was just excitement otherwise I'll be eating ferreted rabbits only again this year if I've got two hard mouthed dogs,have to wait and see
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