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Everything posted by Hardfeather

  1. Yeah bit when they start laying them dark chocolate coloured eggs theyre worth thier weight in gold and hopefully you'll have at least 1 pullet in there to breed more next year
  2. Rhode x sussex are sex linked,a rhode male x a light sussex female will give you white male chicks and buff or brown female chicks but as you don't know exactly what the parents were Jasper I'd sit tight with them for now,well done on your hatch
  3. Yours is a duckwing hen gnipper you'll probably get a mix of duckwings and light red males and partridge females
  4. Have some of the birds got a fair bit of asil/asian blood in them?
  5. She'll be fine with 12 mate I've a bog old kelso brood hen here managed 15 this year
  6. My tethers are from the states but I still don't tether them till 12 months but then I don't need to
  7. Legs colour is no indication as to wether he's pure oeg or not but then whats pure oeg these days? Game is game and handsome is as handsome does,those gingers look nice active fowl cheers chris
  8. He's got a strong head on him Gnipper cheers chris
  9. Cos I choose not too cheers chris
  10. Can I have my red factor back then cheers chris
  11. i only found out the other day anything with the word 'leg' in it means it can be sexed at a day old , not sure how true it is mind wouldn't it be the bar bit? because a lot of other auto sexing breeds have bar at the end e.g. rhodebar welbar cambar etc. Yes it is the 'bar' bit that provides the sex linkage cheers chris
  12. I don't tether stags only cocks,try and alternate between legs too if possible cheers chris
  13. thanks for the link and reply They're docile enough and lay a reasonable ammount depending on the strain you get and if they've been developed for eggs or show.Speckledy's are a hybrid which look like marans but far outlay the pure breed and can be a fraction of the cost depending on where you source your marans cyril Bason in Shropshire is a decent supplier http://www.cyril-bason.co.uk/#/laying-pullets/4542116677 cheers chris
  14. They'll keep you in eggs for ages although don't be surprised if they slow down a bit just after you've got them the move can stop them for a bit cheers chris
  15. Milly you need to ask Uncle Buck off Everything poultry about the Asil bantams he keeps them cheers chris
  16. All good pieces of advice but at the end of the day we can over anylise things healthy happy chickens + good food and warm shelter = eggs its just a case of being patient Good luck with the egg production cheers chris
  17. Hens are older than 12 months when they get kicked out as they don't got into the units until they are point of lay at about 20 weeks,I've never had any that didn't lay and the ones i've got now still lay like engines a year later. Try not to give them too much hard feed initially like grit,pellets or even long grass as they've basically been living off powdered feed for so long and the gizzard is a muscle that needs time to work as it should do naturally and grind food prior to digestion Other than that you shouldn't have any problems aslong as you don't get any red mite in the shed cheer
  18. Theyre sex linked so you can kill the cocks at day old
  19. The sussex x rhodes should be sex linked Silclalin. I've got 18 grey oxfords out so far I'm a bit late this year but got a good few more oxfords and kelso fertile
  20. If I can get through in the summer I will but definately up for a weeks hunting in October
  21. If they're under a broody they'll be fine I've had no trouble in the past and today have had a hen hatch 10 from 11 and 9 from 11 so good hatches and we had a thunderstorm the other night cheers chris
  22. You're making ground now Von,you'll upset a few when you kick their arses at The Scottish Next year and serves the fuckers right
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