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Everything posted by Hardfeather

  1. Never pick them till after the first frost and don't tell anyone where your supply is ive got three bottles doing now in the airing cupboard along with gooseberry gin my aim is to end millets life when he comes down in september lmfao :11:
  2. Hardfeather


    wink wink say no more
  3. Red Stripe! f*****g Shite! Speaking of beer anyone remember that macc lads song "beer beer we want more beer,all the lads are cheerin get the f****n beer in, think it was called half past five and barrels round?
  4. One week old not ideal but my hob died the other week and this is the only chance of keeping my strain going
  5. I feed my ferrets complete food.....complete rabbit complete pigeon complete pheasant .......
  6. Skol tastes fecking awful :sick: If I have to drink lager I usually have wife beater(stella) Drink guinness and red wine mostly now.Used to drink thunderbird and 20/20 but we used to call it mad dog
  7. If your after maggies and can't get a call bird put a nest of eggs in the'll soon drop in if they're about
  8. Had a shit year gills killed their litters lost my old gill and my old hob died last week so got a poley gill I've used before and 2 untried gills...not the best start to the season I think my hob has covered the gill I've worked before he popped his clogs they'll be late but here's hoping regards chris
  9. I think millets pup is off peter the beater tuffty chris
  10. Yeah thats him good dog from what I heard,socks bred these for bushing but I'm pretty sure she'd enter.Good luck with charlie for the coming season Taffy chris Which 2 Tuffty its the same bitch in both pictures? chris
  11. Christ keeps they're late or is it just that your further north,are things that far behind up there ?
  12. Looks like you had a good time...cars not my thing really but been crow hawking up there I'm sure I had as much fun as you did regards chris
  13. And here she is bred by Socks and a little cracker Beelzebubs has got a dash of lab in it though :11: Chris
  14. Hi all not sure if this has been discussed before and I missed it but who do you all use for dog insurance and why.If anyone sees a reason not to get insured I'd also be interested to hear the reasons why.Just thinking I'm up to three dogs now and you know what they're like for getting injured and the prices vets charge,think its about time I covered my back Regards Chris
  15. I've had one day sick in 6 years could be luck or it could be all the shit ive come into contact with being a farmers son and then going into hunt service skinning green sheep all day long lol :sick: As me mum used to say as she blew whatever had stuck to the food I used to drop on the floor "A bit of muck does no1 any harm" regards chris
  16. It would f*****g kill me if someone took my dogs and then I'd kill them its a cuntish thing to do Hope he gets them back mate...have you contacted Kay at lurcher search she'll do all breeds regards chris
  17. Mines got me purse nets in it and a couple of birds Thats some fair hinges you got on your front door Woodga :11:
  18. Erm as the company is called Timberproducts I'm guessing its wood
  19. I've got a Linnet mule and a siskin mule thats not long started singing,would love a goldy to try over the canaries next year but don't see them for sale round here regards chris
  20. Mines cos I breed budgies :11:
  21. Feck me move over Brinsea lol,good luck with your hatches and don't put any valuable eggs in that lol
  22. Not criticising mate but if this is the second dog you've had from a pup that can't be trusted with kids are you giving them plenty of socialising from a young age? regards chris
  23. alright mate which hounds do you whip in to.I hunt in Shropshire too,I'm suprised you get the arse pca bothering ya
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