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Everything posted by fret78

  1. Concrete, bloody hell what are you building lol. Awesome, excited like a kid at Christmas
  2. I'm watching it just for that clip. Samuel is class
  3. Great shooting little hunter, good to see younger gen getting involved top work
  4. I'd like to find out if there are any meets coming up soon. be good to pick the brains of more experienced guys. and drink after
  5. I got the e-mail last weekend, think they only closed the range for a week or so. don't have a link, same as just putting the name in on google. might see you down there pal.
  6. good looking dog, how old is he, got two who've just turned 1
  7. in Britain the guy would have been charged with racism..
  8. I feel a pro sport vs Hw97 tournament coming on!!!
  9. Idleback is in rotherham that has just re opened. I live in Sheff ang go there. The new price is 25 for the year and 7 quid per hour. that covers the cost of targets and filling up, Friendly bunch and all in doors. great for zeroing your scope and having a play with ranges.
  10. Top review. I've got the Hw97kt, but it's away for tuning, but I'm saving hard to get the pro sport because it looks and handles soooo nice..
  11. Alright Buddy, Hope the rest of this thread hasn't put you off the site. I haven't been here long but they do seem to get hijacked by a few argumentative souls. Any way, I've just sent my HW97KT away to SFS tobe tuned and from what I can tell the v-mach is a great kit too. The HW97kt's defo seem to respond well to any amount of tuning so you'll notice a difference. Maybe we could get all the guys on here together soon for a meet, us newbies would benefit from spending time with the great hunters and shooters on here..
  12. Nice Shooting mate, and nice rifle.
  13. yep that's quiet, now if you can just make it re-load my mags and make coffee I'll buy 10
  14. cheers.. been ill for few years he had a good innings was 85 but i shan't be taking them pill cocktails when i get old he was never the same since he started on them HAd the same with my old man pal. not good to watch and I'll certainly be taking a shorter but happier life if I face the same situation..
  15. Thanks Lee, sorry for your loss mate
  16. I didn'tknow our lass had ever been to china...
  17. They know, mate - they just don't care ! It doesn't affect them and, when all said and done, the middle and upper classes have used mass immigration to line their own pockets.(Look up how much Cameron is worth !) All we will ever get is the usual 'communities must pull together'..blah, blah,blah......'appeals for calm'........blah, blah, blah......'we stand together'.....blah, blah, blah.......so on and so forth. Ive had a few thoughts on this, so here is... The hardline according to Blackbriar..... 1. All illegal immigrants to be immediately deported. No appeals, tribunals or cou
  18. Brilliant, is it invite only, would be good to meet up and get the banter face to face.
  19. I can't believe what's happening, it's almost like a friggin film. I only hope it ends with England left standing proud at the end.... Words fail me...
  20. Sorry to hijack this post but do we have a THL air rifle annual meet up?
  21. Why am I only just finding this out. saves my scrolling finger lol.. I prefer the new pic though lmao
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